i got some items

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some DVD's I got from the charity shops
[Image: 20210522-165033.jpg] one is in another language (Norwegian) worlds strongest engines the others calling all engines the great discovery truck loads of fun all aboard with the steam team 4 of them were 50p each so £2.00 the truck loads of fun was £1.00
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What great scores for great prices T-Real!
finally after forever I went to a carboot sale got the following 

[Image: 20210530-193247.jpg] trackmaster revolutions victor (isn't gonna be used in my series may make a custom using it maybe a diesel who knows) he worked like new due to the seller never trying the item was £1.00

[Image: 20210530-193259.jpg]the back of him pretty disappointing as his trackmaster fisher price/hit toys are way superior 

[Image: 20210530-193317.jpg] angry birds hot wheels pig 50p

[Image: 20210530-193332.jpg] take n play or adventures Bertie £1.00 (possible custom algy aka Berties brother if not aware)
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ok another item I purchased came today was supposed to come tomorrow but I will say it without further to do here it is Halsal underground ernie 3 battery operated trains and track set i bought it as it was a ridiculously good price of £12.99 with free shipping 
the box:

[Image: 20210614-174532.jpg]

[Image: 20210614-174637.jpg]

[Image: 20210614-174643.jpg]

[Image: 20210614-174646.jpg]
now the inside
[Image: 20210614-174715.jpg]
now the engines Individually (should be noted that I had a pullback circle with her coach so I gave it to the battery operated version)

[Image: 20210614-175330.jpg]
[Image: 20210614-180946.jpg]

[Image: 20210614-174823.jpg]
and some additional images
[Image: 20210614-180417.jpg]bakerloo striker inside the motor

[Image: 20210614-180421.jpg]circle sticker

[Image: 20210614-180424.jpg]jubilee sticker 
the bottom (my theory is that the small back square is for it to interact with interactive sets) the long stick at the back is for the engine to stop temporarily to turn it off completely you need to tap the button at the top
[Image: 20210614-175155.jpg]
so yeah that was one of my more recent purchases can't wait for the future. although on the other hand you could make a custom underground like model engine using circle and a pullback one for the coach take the face off and paint it underground train colours (red blue and grey) but the ones I want to get in the far future are Victoria, Hammersmith and city the pullbacks bakerloo and jubilee (for the coaches)
[-] The following 2 users Like Therealblack64YT's post:
  • generic_truck_69420, Super
There are 'interactive' items for the motorized Underground Ernie sets? I have a number of accessory pieces thanks to Mr Nigel
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  • Therealblack64YT
well there is interactive sets here is a little list:
Supersize interactive set
interactive home track set
Airport station interactive train set 
those are the list of names I could find
[-] The following 1 user Likes Therealblack64YT's post:
  • Super
They are called 'Interactive Sets' but that can mean any motorized train set. What piqued my ears was your mention of "my theory is that the small back square is for it to interact with interactive sets" which led me to think there was some action that the engines perform, possibly with scenery pieces. I do know of the Billboard that works when a train passes underneath but thats just a momentary button that the wheels roll over to activate. I recall another action accessory for the Underground Erinie but that could just mean my grey cells are fading Undecided
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well I am as confused as you are I was just thinking as a thought that pooped to my head so I can't tell for certain its for real it could be anything that black little square at the front could do I just don't know but it could be a possibility as this pice of the turn table has a speaker so maybe the interacted Idk but could. Goes to the piece and reacts (like the my first Thomas interactive trains) but I just don't know I find it quite a bit of wasted potential they didn't make additional pieces that interact to make an episode so that way it could make a bit of sense or interactive engines kinda disappointing as they could have made other pieces of scenery like the rollercoaster rail that the engines go on yes that is an actual destination in the show (source of the image a ebay listing)

[Image: stoped.jpg]
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  • generic_truck_69420, Super
I saw that same Listing of that strange, end of line curved, track piece and the way its described is that an engine must activate sounds once it triggers the stop (I guess). I am now really curious as to what sounds does this make and are there different sounds for each rail? Wonder if there might be a video of this piece in action?

You are right and probably saw this Turntable too for the Underground Ernie with the Tomy like rails.

[Image: s-l16-00.jpg]
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some mysteries my not be solved any time soon but I got 1 thing today 
Ertl Sodor mail van £1.00 I was walking through stands in the street I saw one when walking by my eagle eye noticed this Sodor mail van and decided to get it as it was cheaper than eBay prices its ironic as yesterday I was thinking of replacing my old Sodor mail van as its 6 years old but then today I saw him and bought it 
[Image: 20210620-213835.jpg]
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