yeah here are some ideas

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I wouldn't really call them customs but yeah plarail dart idea will show den if I can [Image: EbtWFUEXYAAjlYI?format=jpg&name=large]
[Image: Tomy-plarail-dart.png] I also customised my old gator that was literally the shell no running board so I did a running board for him and it was made by using a TM2 Emily he was made into my own version of gator I did timothy and eagle too they appear in the 1st part gator will be in the 2nd part of the episode I will try to be active if I can [Image: EbtWFUEXYAAjlYI?format=jpg&name=large]
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2020, 06:50 AM by Super.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Therealblack64YT's post:
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Real, I am not seeing the first and last pictures are they of your customized model?
Even though there was a TrackMaster Dart, Therealblack64YT tried to draw how he could've looked if TOMY made one (but it's not well drawn). That's what those two images show.

As for Gator, he's referring to a physical mod where he lost the running board and built him a new one (most likely the Plarail since TrackMaster 2 engines have them built/glued onto the shells). "Timothy" refers to the dumb "ghost engine" OC and not the official one (the oil burning saddle tank), and "Eagle" is a fan name for the red engine that preceded James.
[-] The following 1 user Likes DalaGStanator's post:
  • Therealblack64YT
I can't quite decide what we're supposed to be seeing here, in comparison with the original?
[Image: image.png]
(Edit: literally posted at the exact same time as the response above!)
[-] The following 1 user Likes chrisjo's post:
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it uses the bill and ben motor and I chose this because it will be more accurate to the series since his trackmaster is long

gator was the trackmaster 2 model eagle was that red engine from the rws and timothy was that oc every kid likes for some reason those are physical although my concept of Dart may not have been the best since I am no artist and it is mostly for fun so yeah sorry for no specification
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2020, 09:31 AM by Super.)
okay recently we got a 3d printer and I have had this idea where I try and make a 3D printed tomy Fergus I will show images of Fergus when possible as I have to polish some parts of the model aka add a few more details may separate a few more things and the wheels will be custom wheels but will have most likely metal pins if not they will be plastic but I think you will also be able to use the Emily ones if you don't like them I will work on this and make some more adjustments then test print it later when mostly happy and then sanding it filling in imperfections and paint I haven't decided if I should make a 3D face or not let me know
[Image: Screenshot-2021-07-03-at-11-32-50.png]
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  • chrisjo, DalaGStanator
Very interested in seeing this project progress T-Real...please keep us updated [Image: nodding-yes-by-a-very-happy-smiley-emoticon.gif]
What a surprise. I recall when someone (not sure who it was) attempted to 3D print a Fergus body, but it turned out (very) oversized due to incorrect scaling. Hopefully yours could turn out as good as this version by FlyingScotFilms. I like how three versions of him for the same system/s are being worked on during the same time period (yours included). Looking forward to seeing how he will look.
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2023, 02:54 PM by DalaGStanator.)
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hopefully scaling wise it goes well as I want it to be the right scale the wheels will have to be custom and I still got to do more work to as I want to get the right scale hopefully I try my take on making a 3D face if possible?
[-] The following 2 users Like Therealblack64YT's post:
  • DalaGStanator, Super
make sure you the 3D printer filaments are soft and flexible especially the ones mount on top of motorized chassis.
My Trackmaster/Tomy/Plarail Photo Gallery Page (over 600+ photos and still under construction)
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