Online Selling Shockers

386 Replies, 206537 Views

Wow...20...this is going to be interesting
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Not an online shocker, but I was in Lincoln the other day and I came across a clearance shop. Walked in and found some ERTLs for £500
dreaming of piles of track 
(08-27-2022, 02:43 PM)stainedgaming Wrote: Not an online shocker, but I was in Lincoln the other day and I came across a clearance shop. Walked in and found some ERTLs for £500

So were they worth £500? Photo?

[Image: Untitled.png]
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[Image: 1-Copy.jpg]
The magic of the GWR
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Them: "My steam along is broken! It's not releasing steam ,I think I need a new one"
You: "Ok, but have you checked the Wet Water"
Them: "The what?"

[Image: Screenshot-12.png]
The magic of the GWR
Here’s a couple that made me just lol..
[Image: 2-A898-DBB-8-C22-4-B11-B464-312248-FFD0-E5.png]

[Image: CA150-F20-77-A0-478-D-A160-884-EF0-E77-B89.png]
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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(01-02-2023, 03:50 AM)Muddy Poppins Wrote: Here’s a couple that made me just lol..

Lol some sellers just have the audacity 🤣
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saw this on eBay Bertie with a switch on top and a magnet on the back

[Image: Bertie.jpg]
the Magnet 
[Image: bertie1.jpg]
the person selling him didn't make these modifications but I guess it was done by someone to have their wooden stuff pushed by Bertie or something I guess
I liked tomy ever since I found out about it
[-] The following 4 users Like Therealblack64YT's post:
  • Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp, generic_truck_69420, GreatGordonFan, MuddyPoppins
Does the switch turn it on and off or is it there for show, because if it is for show it looks terrible
The magic of the GWR
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