Online Selling Shockers

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I believe it's an error. But on all of those Amazons? Errors such as this should not happen. What are they doing? Are they trying to scare customers? Well, it's not in stock yet, anyway.

By the way, this is not a useless set: kids could race with 2 push-alongs and it could make an excellent expansion. And pray, explain why on earth do you find this set to be "offensive".
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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  • chrisjo, GreatGordonFan
Offensive I just said half jokingly as I just call anything reboot related offensive. Also it strongly reminds me of a previous set from the great race.

As for the error, it could also be a fake listing. It happens A LOT on amazon. Just take a look at one of my older threads and you will see what I mean.
Train it, plane it, you name it!
And if it's not a "Reboot Set" then it would be ok? I mean, it's really not bad at all: I would use it as an extension, but little kids will race their push-alongs that are coming with that set (Thomas & Kana), and they will love it, I'm sure. Motorized trains will have a nice & bumpy run through the double loop. Many will use it with standard (non-rebooted) trains. This cheerful set will be a hit!

Also, for now, this is the only AEG set that is completely original, all other sets are more or less just a modified re-releases of previous Trackmaster sets.

* * *

I know it happens, and that's not an excuse for Amazon. This item is sold by and dispatching from Amazon. So Amazon puts fake listings on Amazon? Big Grin
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
[-] The following 1 user Likes Mister No's post:
  • chrisjo
Even if it weren't a reboot set, it's still far from perfect. I was never fond of the "stunt" kind of sets, if you get what I'm saying. My favourite sets are those old tomy sets, like the ultimate set. Those are just wonderful sets thet represent a real railway. They were perfect. How I miss them, but nothing good lasts forever they say.
Train it, plane it, you name it!
[-] The following 1 user Likes GreatGordonFan's post:
  • Mister No
I understand, of course. If you watched any of my videos, you'll know I also prefer those "nice and quiet", "real" railway sets and layouts, where trains go from destination to destination carrying passengers and cargo. It's a calming experience and a rest for my soul. These were my first Tomy sets and engines I bought almost 20 years ago:

[Image: IMG-20210213-152424.jpg]

I would never buy a set where engines are falling, jumping or doing other "unnatural" things. There is one Trackmaster set where Harold picks up Thomas, fly him sky-high, and then Thomas is going down the extremely steep slope and flying through the air lands in some ugly big tube. What the hell? I'm not a fan of this kind of sets. But there is just one thing: many children really love them, just watch them on YouTube. Different times, different children...

I already can see kids racing with Push-AlongThomas & Kana (and other favourite characters) on this Sodor Cup  set. It's cleverly designed for that use: pulling the red handle releases both engines, and the engine that comes to Finish first enters the switch and wins. Kids will play with that for hours. On the other hand, I see it attached to other tracks and serving as a really nice and unusual reversing loop. I don't like many Trackmaster roller-coaster Hot-Wheels-like sets, but many of them are really imaginative, and some of them (like this one) could be useful in a described way.

But I see we went off-topic, this is the thread for online selling shockers... Big Grin
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
[-] The following 1 user Likes Mister No's post:
  • GreatGordonFan
There are still some bargain Olivers out there if you look hard enough. This lot on eBay UK just sold for £11.66 including postage. From the description Oliver probably just needs a split gear replacing. You had to open it up and scroll to see the closer-up picture:
[-] The following 2 users Like chrisjo's post:
  • Mister No, Super
That one is missing a very hard to get short side least on one side if not both.
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • chrisjo, Mister No
And that rod is very important when it comes to Oliver, it really gives him a unique look. Smile
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
[-] The following 2 users Like Mister No's post:
  • chrisjo, Super
(11-08-2021, 11:52 AM)Mister No Wrote: And that rod is very important when it comes to Oliver, it really gives him a unique look. Smile
Very true, but anyone with a 3D printer, or someone with a trashed Oliver with rods could have made a steal there.
Which brings a question to the Rod for Edward the same size as Olivers?

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