6020 Q-Seat???

15 Replies, 14451 Views

Is this some new release possibly site specific as I don't see it through normal channels? It looks odd to me with a different colored coach.

[Image: 200514-plarail-tokyu6020q.jpg]

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Tokyu Corporation 6020 series Q SEAT, available from Tokyu Department Store online, 14th May 2020.

"We decided to nickname "Q SEAT" for the paid seat reservation service on the Oimachi Line, The service will start on Sunday December 14, 2018"
[-] The following 3 users Like chrisjo's post:
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I like it - and to quote myself - this is my cup of tea.

Often the first class carriage on Japanese trains has different styling. I don't know this train but guessing the orange car has special seats.

These unboxing videos are excruciatingly slow! I assume so they can drag out opening a train box to 10+ minutes. I had to keep fast forwarding for my sanity - "just rip into it mate"!!!
[-] The following 2 users Like Finno's post:
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Watching the videos the coach looks like a regular commuter car. Below is the very average (to me) looking seats, nothing special and it doesn't look like there is a special charge for riding in that car but I could be wrong. I always question the use of material cloth for use in general commuter trains where they would be hard to keep clean and easily harbor bacteria and stink.

Is that store a site specific store or chain. I ask this to find out if they have this Plarail exclusively.

[Image: QSeat.jpg]
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There is a similar Tokyu Denentoshi with regular middle car:

[Image: 51BK-5F180401_m_ex.jpg]

But I like this Q Seat car, it's very nice train (completely closed windows and doors, no holes), and the orange car looks great. They should make it at least a four-car-train though, since Q-Seat car is always third car in the Tokyu train, not second.
I learned that Q-Seat is "fee-based seat selection service", and the special orange car is equipped to convert from a long seat to a cross seat.

And of course the Q-Seat Tokyu is an "exclusive" product! This time it's an online-shop that doesn't ship internationally! Why do they keep doing that? Is that so called exclusivity more important to Takara Tomy than to sell the product??
As I said once, the nicest commuters and cute little trams and such trains (which are generally excellent and very detailed models) are always super-turbo-exclusive, and same boring Shinkansens released previously many times are availible through "normal channels". Takara Tomy business as usual! Wink
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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(05-16-2020, 11:56 PM)Super Wrote: @Chrisjo
Is that store a site specific store or chain. I ask this to find out if they have this Plarail exclusively.
I just followed the link given as 'Sales outlet' on the Platetsu listing:
[Image: image.png]
Wikipedia tells us that there are four physical stores in Japan and one in Bangkok, Thailand
[-] The following 2 users Like chrisjo's post:
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From the FAQ page of their online-shop:

Q7. Can you ship abroad?
A7. Sorry, we don't accept that.
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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I wonder if this is like the old Toy-R-Us exclusive releases but this one is for a different Toy Store Chain in Japan.
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So I watched another video of that Q-Seat train:

And my question is: Is it one-speed-train or two-speed-train? The box is clearly marked with the orange one-speed-mark. And on the roof of the train (at the switch) it is written: OFF-ON-HI.
So which is it? Smile

Maybe the earlier Tokyu Denentoshi with regular middle car was 2-speed-train so they used the same shell, and put one-speed-motor in it?
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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That is weird, good eye great discovery Mr-No. The back of the box clearly shows the switch as a simple On/Off but the video shows the actual switch as an Off/On/Hi

Another strange thing about this train is that the motorized, front engine has a number of 6121 and the rear dummy engine is 6721. Aren't we use to both front and back having the same number on Plarails? I assume that these numbers coincide with the real train?

[Image: rety.jpg]

[Image: Untiretyutled.jpg]

[Image: Untittreled.jpg]

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