Unrecorded Phantom Gems

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Like shown in the real train videos...I think it would be neat (although impractical for little kids) to have a pole at each end of that station, one to drop the Token and at the other end one that picks a Token up. Then have a certain car (like a baggage or mail) that held and/or grabbed the Token...

Are there any 'Unboxing' videos on YouTube of those sets with this station? That should show it the Token was included....right?
Well, call me a liar, I was inspecting that 1992 set again today and look what fell out of the box!
[Image: IMG-20201129-192731.jpg]

I suppose this means both the 1992 Thomas sets came with a token originally. Here's a better picture of it around the post and with the little bit of tape still intact.
[Image: IMG-20201129-193403.jpg]

And re: actually using it as an action feature, you can in fact balance it within one of the coach windows in a way where it gets hooked perfectly

I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
[-] The following 3 users Like DuckGWR's post:
  • chrisjo, Super, Tharazero1
That is fantastic Duck, very nicely done. Smile

BTW: Sounds like that Thomas needs to be quieted.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • DuckGWR
電動プラレール電車セットNo.1 that was never seen in today's eyes, and appeared for the first time online just today. Because there is a number 1 set, there must be a number 2 set. Moreover, both of the 電動プラレール電車セット were never mentioned in any sources and is assumed to be unexcavated Plarail. Train is missing, but it is assumed to be a red 101 series commuter.
This set could have been manufactured around 1968.

[Image: i-img1200x900-16068278586kvaqb685639.jpg]

牧場セット (ranch set), hello there. It has been 50 years since it's last appearance on the box art. Ranch set is the first thing I have posted in this thread. Funny thing is that the ranch set is missing some contents, like the cherry tree and the house blocks.

Although 電動超特急ひかり号セットNo.2 is confirmed, 電動超特急ひかり号セットNo.1 is not seen anywhere else except from a past auction. It was the only auction for this set. This set could have been manufactured around 1969. There should be a でんどうちょうとっきゅうひかりごうセットNo.1 as the second generation to this set in topic, however existence is not confirmed.

[Image: x512875612-2.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 12-02-2020, 11:07 PM by Super.)
[-] The following 2 users Like violater's post:
  • chrisjo, Super
Those vintage sets are so neat to see. Thanks Vio

I take it that whats in the picture on the front of the boxes is not whats inside.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • violater
These items in the picture is just an advertisement. It was the only era where TOMY advertised other products on the front box.
[-] The following 1 user Likes violater's post:
  • Super
Have we ever discussed those Blue Piers before? I don't recall.
We did. They are the first generation piers, shorter than the early orange ones.
[-] The following 1 user Likes violater's post:
  • Super
Thanks Vio Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • violater
All this time, there was no unpainted window frames version of the Blue White Hikari (early mold) found online. From TV Tokyo 4 years ago, there was one of a kind.

[Image: Cy-e9-MKVIAA-ya-K.jpg]

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