How to: Tomy Real Steam Loco Repair

22 Replies, 13820 Views

[Image: P1010129.jpg]
going to be real, where the hell does this store the water? it seems like it goes in and just turns into steam
how does it keep steaming if it doesn't have a tank?
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[Image: 660-E3-C35-C029-453-C-82-A9-4593-A2478-F2-E.jpg]

This whole white portion stores the water and micro heater. The yellow (light green?) "gutter" is right under the dome and directs the water into the smokebox, where it fills the reservoir at the bottom. If it's overfilled, it'll just spill out the side of the loco. Simple as that
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ah ok. so distilled water keeps the inside from being dirty?
how does it even make steam?
how does the thing even work?
metal makes 'steam'?
why was the big bulky thing on the side needed? the original metallic thomas didn't have one

these are the questions that flow through my head everytime i see it

EDIT: i had the engine on with the cap off and it was through the phase where the whistle blows and steam puffs out repeatedly
it whistled and it made steam
it is fixed !

it was a fluke. he not steaming now.
dreaming of piles of track 
[-] The following 1 user Likes stainedgaming's post:
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tbh, it feels like it just steams whenever it feels like it
dreaming of piles of track 
1) Exactly. Distilled water is specifically treated to make it devoid of impurities like tap water tends to contain, and as such should not leave dissolved materials.
2/4) It uses a small electronic component that converts energy to heat, a.k.a Joule heating. When the engine is supposed to "puff", the heating element receives a pulse to quickly vaporise the water. That's why the Steam Along Thomas (the first version) uses three batteries (4.5V) in the powered Annie. Same with the two D51s and the TrackMaster 2 Real Steam Thomas/James/Percy.
5) The second version was redesigned to be detachable while still not self powered. Moving the batteries into the loco meant there was no room for a reservoir underneath like the first version has. Strange seeing as Mattel worked out how to do it while making their versions all self contained, albeit without sound.
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alright, i'll see if i can pick up some distilled water next time i'm shopping
dreaming of piles of track 
[-] The following 1 user Likes stainedgaming's post:
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made some distilled water by boiling water and collecting the vapour, tried it in thomas and steamed for a little bit then it stopped

dreaming of piles of track 
[-] The following 1 user Likes stainedgaming's post:
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Using Distilled water now may not work as any deposits left from the non-distilled may have mucked up the process...if thats the problem in the first place. The old, with a reservoir and wick was easy to get into and clean, I don't know anything about this new way if in fact its a different process. Wish I had a broken down one like the one you have to tear into it to see how it ticks 😎
well, if i get classic metallic all steaming issues will be resolved Smile
time to search ebay
dreaming of piles of track 
(05-08-2022, 05:22 PM)DalaGStanator Wrote: 1) Exactly. Distilled water is specifically treated to make it devoid of impurities like tap water tends to contain, and as such should not leave dissolved materials.
2/4) It uses a small electronic component that converts energy to heat, a.k.a Joule heating. When the engine is supposed to "puff", the heating element receives a pulse to quickly vaporise the water. That's why the Steam Along Thomas (the first version) uses three batteries (4.5V) in the powered Annie. Same with the two D51s and the TrackMaster 2 Real Steam Thomas/James/Percy.
5) The second version was redesigned to be detachable while still not self powered. Moving the batteries into the loco meant there was no room for a reservoir underneath like the first version has. Strange seeing as Mattel worked out how to do it while making their versions all self contained, albeit without sound.

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