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I always liked the looks of that blue Seibu Lions train. Are any of the graphics printed on or mostly stickered?
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Some graphics are printed, some are stickers:

[Image: m-seibustickersprinted3.jpg]

But, as in Keio Hello Kitty Train case, the stickers are rather nice, and you can hardly notice they are stickers, unless you look really close.
In any case, Plarail Seibus are beautiful trains.
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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  • Finno, Super
Thanks for the very detailed photo Mr-No
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  • Mister No
I discovered that RMZ houses, used by many for their Plarail layouts, are made also under the name Herpa City and distributed by Herpa Miniaturemodelle GmBH Germany. So these three came from Cottbus (I ordered them on eBay). They are also made in China, manufactured under licence by Uni-Fortune Toys Industrial Ltd. Hong Kong. They are very similar to RMZ buildings from AliExpress in shape, but they have slightly different colors, and there are some new shops and other content on the ground floor. The inscriptions are in German. So here are:

Ice Cream Shop "Venezia" & Dönerimbiss (Kebab-Shop):

[Image: IMG-20200228-114600.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20200228-114536.jpg]

...and in times like these much needed infirmary (ER):

[Image: IMG-20200227-190303.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20200227-192053.jpg]

As other RMZ buildings, they have the interiors (it's a sticker, of course), and the ER looks like this:

[Image: IMG-20200227-191736.jpg]

Video coming soon...
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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  • MuddyPoppins, Super
Fantastic finds Mr-No

Are these as inexpensive as the others? I like how these can dress up room walls in a train room as they are so thin and they look like a nice lighting package would bring them to life.
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All RMZ houses have holes in the back, so you can add lights, if you wish. Also, the houses can be combined, you can add or subtract the number of floors. They are rather thin, so they do not occupy a lot of space. These three were 40 USD (w/ s&h). I think the colors on Chinese buildings (from Ali) are better, these are a bit too bright. But all of them are looking good on Plarail layouts.
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
PLARAIL SPECIAL TRAINS 4: The Coronavirus Ambulance Train

Special Coronavirus Ambulance Train is carrying patients to the infirmary.

My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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  • MuddyPoppins, Super
Nice video Mr-No
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  • Mister No
Thank you, Super!
My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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A new train in our depot, and a new police building (so called police box "Koban") on our layout!

Beautiful Keihan 600 Pato Train

[Image: IMG-20200302-113053.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20200302-122857.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20200302-122754.jpg]

If anyone can help with the inscriptions, it will be appreciated.

[Image: IMG-20200302-122817.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20200302-122835.jpg]

The small Police Station - Koban:

[Image: IMG-20200302-122723.jpg]

Air-condition on top, and front sliding doors.

With the faces of the "most wanted" people on a side! Smile

[Image: IMG-20200302-122930.jpg]

Side doors can also be opened:

[Image: IMG-20200302-122944.jpg]

The Police Box is lighted with two red lights (2 AAA batteries).

The numbers on the yellow board can be changed with the little wheel behind the board.
Anyone has an idea what is that for?

[Image: IMG-20200302-194535.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20200302-191642.jpg]

I know Keihan 600 is just a regular train with a wrapping, but in my Plarail City it is serving as a special police train! Smile

New video in preparing:

My YouTube Channel: Mister No
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