Awesome Scratch Built Express Ajia

2 Replies, 3601 Views

The Famous Minami Manchu Railway Express Ajia

This guy is fantastic and just about puts all other custom creators to shame. First of all he creates the whole train from the wheels up in poly polystyrene. He must have an engineering degree along with the love of modeling.

Look at those working side rods and he took the time to remove the blank parts between the spokes and included a working middle wheel from a front engine wheel of a Plarail. Amazed at the totally scratch built (except the gears) of the powered He even creates the rake of coaches with the custom tail coach that I only dreamed of making for an Amtrak Train.


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  • brtrainz, Finno, Off The Rails
I think I’m gonna to take up gravel collecting or something like that. This is just too amazing for my limited brain power. 
Undecided Confused
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  • Super
[Image: smiley-face-laughing.gif]

He is awesome, I like how he initially create scaled drawings of what he envisions and that he make a perfect box to store the custom in.

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