shuttle train

18 Replies, 20192 Views

(11-18-2019, 08:44 AM)Trevor369 Wrote: you know you might have a point. the box doesn't say tomy? and neither do the instructions.
however, this is the second set.

now i'm not sure why these to sets are connected.  Confused
That's all we need to find the first one, so there doesn't appear to be any connection between these and the Shuttle, as far as I can see.  The text at the top of each of these two boxes reads "Tomy - Panorama-Rail No.x". (So you can Google 'トミー パノラマレール No.2'  for example).

[Image: image.png]
More pictures here.

And a video: (I know it says Plarail in the English caption, but then in the text underneath it says it's smaller than Plarail, and that perhaps it's "Plarail's Cousin").

Note that the colouring is identical to the Plarail Yuenchi:

[Image: image.png]

And I found another video of the Shuttle Train:

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very cool chrisjo! thanks for that. i can't wait to check those out.

I just was wondering why this particular person linked these to sets together.

It was because of that..

i made an assumption. i was wrong.

but there must be some connection.

maybe it was just a personal one
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Few corrections:

- SHUTTLE TRAIN is first produced in 1968 according to “corona1800sl”.
- It is not Plarail, but they are TOMY products.
- This set is made for Western exports, not to be sold in Japan.
- Currently, America and Spain have their own versions. Japanese version does not exist, only a ribbon that says “Action Plarail” in Japanese is tied onto the American version of the box for advertising. (Though not distributed in Japan)
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I believe I have the US version but I don't see anything with the term "Action Plarail" or Tomy for that matter on the box or in the instructions. It does say on the box end...

Manufactured in Japan for
Child Guidance Products inc.
Bronx, New York
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So this means that different versions of the set are manufactured in Japan and Spain...
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I see that yours does say 'Made in Spain' with the words 'Tomy License' on it. My box looks exactly like the one shown at BigLobe but without the Plarail Banner. Also my instruction sheet is not like the one you Linked to on the BigLobe site. Its also strange that the Instructions there are in what looks like Japanese. Wouldn't that make it also released there? Also my box has the exact pictures on the side as your Spanish one.
[Image: 11111.png]
Interesting, I just went down a Child Guidance rabbithole recently, they also made (or likely had produced for them) the Child Guidance Railroad series of toys, similar in scale to wooden trains but with different geometry on the track connectors and they didn't use magnets to connect rolling stock.
[Image: bd07bf11429929f21cc7aa98207dbd98.jpg]
Most of the sets had grey track, but some use a red very similar to the Shuttle Train set. Other companies either ripped the track system off or got the same manufacturer to make it for them too.

Interestingly this line also has a connection to Thomas, in the 80s Merit (another company who used the design at least once in the 60s) revived the track system to use in a Thomas set.

[Image: B27-Lid-UCYAEZqc-U.png]

Made in Japan... I wonder if TOMY Japan made it and Child Guidance handled releasing it in the US.
I have a website where I have been writing about and photographing many of the sets and pieces that I find interesting.
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The Duck fell into the Rabbit Hole... [Image: bouncing-for-joy-smiley-emoticon.gif]
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Finally we have the clearest image update of this set in nearly unused condition which arrived straight from a old toy warehouse.

[Image: EU2p9-OFUw-AEUB8q.jpg]

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