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Weird rolling stock ID?
10 Replies, 9388 Views
Well thats just weird...3 wheels?
I can't make out the lettering printed under the chassis except for China. What else does it say? There aren't any couplings so it must be a self roller.
Thanks Doctor/Detective Chris
It is weird, my guess is this is something from the Chuggington show.
Thank you chrisjo!
Play nice & have fun!!
Yes, it is. In the episode "Zephie Ace Reporter" (Season 1), Morgan builds it as a personal vehicle to roam around Chuggington. He calls it the "track cycle", though in real life it would be called a draisine. Later, it gets destroyed by Action Chugger (no, not that one) by accident. Here's an example of a real three wheeled draisine:
is this tricycle on rails even practical?
Thanks Da-lag, very interesting.
we have an old wooden one at steamrail. they were used for short distance track inspection, if memory serves. we know them as a "velocipede"
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