![[Image: image.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/HJrr11jy/image.png)
I have a Shonan 5000 hanging monorail unit that's never been right since I got it, it's always been erratic and jerky, with a marked tendency to snag and stop at every rail joint unless alignment is absolutely perfect. Today I finally got around to stripping it down so that I could investigate.
First I'll show the gearbox stripdown sequence for reference:
![[Image: DSC04440.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/BjcRNrMx/DSC04440.jpg)
![[Image: DSC04442.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/Czb2xyyW/DSC04442.jpg)
![[Image: DSC04443.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/zVNjpVMc/DSC04443.jpg)
![[Image: DSC04444.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/K4P7Kmzr/DSC04444.jpg)
![[Image: DSC04445.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/0b5tPzfJ/DSC04445.jpg)
![[Image: DSC04446.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/phxfCScn/DSC04446.jpg)
![[Image: DSC04447.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/QBjCyrss/DSC04447.jpg)
Everything cleaned up, motor oiled, gears and spindles greased, re-assembled and although it was all running smoother and quieter, the basic problem still existed. I did notice two things though, as indicated here:
![[Image: DSC04448.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/ns1kyZD1/DSC04448.jpg)
![[Image: DSC04447a.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/hhcK9qg1/DSC04447a.jpg)
A: two of the spring-loaded wheels that push the rubber drive-wheel against the track have lumps on them, artifacts remaining from the moulding process. I trimmed and filed these smooth.
B: one of the wheels is slightly out of alignment with its opposite number.
Stripping the motor unit down again, I found that slacking off the screw that secures the spring-loaded wheels, C, by about 1/3 of a turn, bought the offending wheel back into alignment.
Result, the unit now runs fine, negotiating track joints without complaint. Two hours on a rainy afternoon well spent!