A Couple of Old Announcement Stations: J-27, J-31
7 Replies, 8001 Views
Yes both new. And don't be fooled by the price sticker I just noticed on the box. LOL That is $HKD...
Wow, new, thats awesome. They are pretty old, do you know what year?
I think 1990 but I need to research it a bit more to confirm. I am also not sure if one supersedes the other or they were both out at the same time. Notice the fence on J-27 is a different style (and the box design is not exactly the same).
Also the trains in the picture might give a clue. I am going to go through the old catalogues and see if I can find anything. There's another one I would love to complete the holy trinity - J-28. It's a bit special - check it out here: https://www.hausmaschine.com/tomy/entry.php?id=95
Wow...that is a fantastic site for Plarail/Tomy Data Based items Finno.
In my mind I place the vintage Tomy trains in 3, unofficial categories: Number 1: First Generation Tomy Trains, yellow wheels Number 2: Second Generation Tomy Trains, red wheels Number 3: Third Generation Tomy Trains, gray wheels So using my non-professional table would put the J-27 Station before the J-31 Also in my carrion brain is telling me I think I have seen a different talking version with like little tiles that act as tickets. When placed in the ticket window the station talks of different destinations, but this of course doesn't mean this old brain remembers correctly. Must check out Sun's web site to see if they have one.
Good insight about the wheel colours - it seems logical. Was there ever a point when they had different coloured wheels at the same time or did all trains change colour in the same year?
I am pretty sure there was an English version of these talking stations. The ticket station you mention, is it this one: https://www.hausmaschine.com/tomy/entry.php?id=96 |
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