Micro Mini Plakids????

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I would love to have that book Dr Chris, it looks like it may be a hardcover. Only problem is, is that its in Japanese. I have always wanted a book or Website that had all information on the different PlaKids as it seems like they number in the hundreds.
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The book is "プラレール超図鑑" = Purarēru chō zukan = Plarail Super Picture Book
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Wonder if thats the only 2 pages of PlaKids.
Some Plakids recently seen in store - with shelf prices.

[Image: plakids001.jpg]

[Image: plakids002.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Finno's post:
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Thats cool, I assume the stores are re-sale shops. Wish I had one of those here....but then...I would be there everyday buying more stuff  Blush
Yeah I don't even know where this store is. One of my peeps was there. Somewhere in Osaka I think.
Maybe you could start one and stock it with job Lots from the Japanese auctions Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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LOL...I am much too selfish for that. I would keep everything for myself. Undecided
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Out of curiosity I had a look for that book Chris mentioned on Amazon.co.jp found a whole slew of them as well as some other interesting items that I've not seen before when I used 'PlaRail' as a search term (it accepts english as well as japanese for searches).

PlaRail Books

Plarail Action with Rails! Here Goes! Light Up! E235 Series Yamanote Line

J-19 Pla-Kids Sound Crossing Set

purare-ru Today I from the Ostrich. gatyaxtu and. Action Station

Pra Rail I Suki! Funny Train Series Keihan Train 10000 Series

Plarail SC-06 Doraemon Train 

Pra Rail 16096 Sneakers

Plarail J - 26 Platform Door Station 

Tomy purare-ruibento Limited 3 Both Single item Car Train Hokkaido 

purare-rumanyuaru Current Complete Guide (asuka Visual Series) (日本語) 大型本 – 2018/5/7
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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Love this but look at the price!!!

[Image: Capture4.jpg]
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