Job Lot of Thomas Mini's

4 Replies, 5257 Views

These just arrived today, a batch of Thomas Mini's I won on eBay...

They arrived in a carrier bag, wrapped in a bin bag, inside a plastic mailing envelope, would it really have hurt to put them in a box?!?

[Image: IMG-20190412-122622964-HDR-2.jpg]

Taken out of the packaging;

[Image: IMG-20190412-134437497-2.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20190412-134446544-HDR-2.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20190412-134455830-2.jpg]

Overall quite a nice bundle, only a couple of duplicates, some common but also quite a few not so common models (77 in total) Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
[-] The following 1 user Likes Nigels's post:
  • Super
Wow, thats quite a batch of Minis Nigels. I wasn't aware you were into them.
Hi Super,

Yeah I used to collect them quite religiously until 2017 (I think) when they removed the weights from them, originally they were weighted so they felt like diecasts, but you know FP, if they can save a few cents per model they'll do it. Combine that with the price increase that came along around the same time and all of a sudden they didn't seem value for money to me.

But recently a store chain called 'Poundland' in the UK was stocking 2018 series 2 & 3 blind bags (at a £ a pop instead of £3) so I bought a bunch. Having completed those sets I've been picking up the odd job lot off eBay to try to fill the gaps between 2016 and now - along with some 2019 ones I bought in blind bags at full retail.

Although to be fair I blame 'Sun' as helping fill some gaps in Sun's collection it sorta re-awakened my interest in the first place :p
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
[-] The following 2 users Like Nigels's post:
  • sunhuntin, Super
i figured it would be my fault! haha. your helping fill gaps in my collection also reminded me how much i love these guys. actually picked up the two glow in the dark 5pks this morning.

great job lot, too. i have often looked at local job lots, but they never tend to have anything new.

there is one lot in a pawn shop in the next town, but they want way too much, and out of them i think theres only one i want. they would be better off selling them individually.
my website address has changed:
[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
  • Super
It's ok Sun, I don't need a lot of persuading to pick up collections again, another symptom of 'Might as Well" syndrome that Super's infected us all with Wink

I know what you mean about job lots, but at least with the mini's I've got virtually all the 2017 models to get as well as 2018/1 and any of the 'specials' produced such as the cross-overs. So when I pick up these job lots at the moment I get a pretty good hit rate in terms of 'wants' Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
[-] The following 2 users Like Nigels's post:
  • sunhuntin, Super

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