Good Western

9 Replies, 9547 Views

I thought it would have been nice to have A rare Good Western Railway but have not actively looked for one mainly because I have so many other of this Western type Steam engines. I stumbled upon this one when I was searching for something else. It came all the way from Australia and I thought it to be a good price even with the shipping so I snatched it up. The rate of exchange was also in my favor. Its in mint condition and I am very happy with how it looks. Only problem is....................its insanely Fast? It doesn't look to have been opened up for a motor swap but I did ask the Seller but haven't heard back yet. My other Western type Steamers aren't this fast so I have to ask anyone that does have this Good Western yours very fast too???

[Image: With-Flash.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Finno
If I recall the one I repaired for Muddy was pretty fast and climbs pretty nice with the fixed gear. These as you know have a very intricate gearing system which seems to give them a bit more tourqe in my mind.
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
  • Super
It just seems too fast for such a little guy. I have to try to locate Muddy's video and maybe if Geris has one too showing their speeds to see how this one compares.
Here is the one I repaired for Muddy:
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
  • Super
That one is fast but I think this one that I have may be faster...take a look...

I heard back from the Seller and they said they purchased the train new 10 years ago and is original not modified. Fast as Fast can'll never catch me...

[-] The following 3 users Like Super's post:
  • chrisjo, Finno, Off The Rails
Holy crap, I swear it looks like that thing is barely hanging on the rails!

It would be funny (if perhaps impractical) to do some sort of time trial like racing it the length of a city block and back.
[-] The following 2 users Like Off The Rails's post:
  • Finno, Super
Holy cripes! That is fast!
(This post was last modified: 03-28-2019, 01:37 AM by Super.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes marclovestrainz's post:
  • Super
I am so happy for you, and glad that you've finally got one Super!!! Whoooooo hoooooo!!! Yes the first one that I found ran just like that (though yours looks freakishly fast on the single loop) and screamed up hills too...then it cracked a gear and was never quite the same...Ripley did an amazing job repairing it though! Smile
Some of our earlier videos have it in its prime (@the end of the original "Tribute to Carrick Wilmot").
Now that you have one in hand to compare to the Disney steamers and a Yoshitsune or Benkei, you'll see why it's so special!!
It's the Red Yoshitsune!!
It's identical in design in every way to only the Benkei and Yoshitsune, and cast from the same molds, only in red.
The original Disney steamers are a completely different bird altogether, along with Shuppo, and don't nearly have the quality of production values of the Tomy "3 Horsemen". Smile
You'll have ALOT of fun with that train for sure Super!!
I fell in love with our's and it instantly became my forever all time favorite.
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes MuddyPoppins's post:
  • Super
Thanks Muddy

Good, going to the video now. It will be nice to re-watch your 'Tribute to Carrick Wilmont'
and the TOMY Good Western unboxing Which looks like the box was just bought off of the shelf new the condition is that good.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
Man, I wish I had one.
[-] The following 1 user Likes marclovestrainz's post:
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