TrainMan2001's HO/OO Trains

72 Replies, 70415 Views

Thanks Super!
Modeling the LNER (and some Thomas stuff) in OO Scale.
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[Image: 0414181650.jpg]
Finally took the time to get the wood and track glued down. Eventually I will be able to scenic the area, but I should probably put some newspaper under the board before I start that.
Modeling the LNER (and some Thomas stuff) in OO Scale.
I finished the section of the layout and gave it back to the layout owner.
[Image: 0902181542.jpg]
I also took a picture with Thomas, so you can see what it looks like with an engine. The only bad thing about moving the board was that a lot of the scenic stuff wasn't glued as well as I thought. We live and learn, I guess.
[Image: 0902181542a.jpg]
Modeling the LNER (and some Thomas stuff) in OO Scale.
[-] The following 1 user Likes TrainMan2001's post:
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Nice work T-Man
Thank you.
Modeling the LNER (and some Thomas stuff) in OO Scale.
[-] The following 1 user Likes TrainMan2001's post:
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Well done! Smile
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
Ground cover is NEVER as well glued as we expect it to be!

Nice looking layout section, though.
Its probably better to use ground cover on permanent layouts. Thanks, though.
Modeling the LNER (and some Thomas stuff) in OO Scale.
It's been a while, but I have some news. I had a birthday recently, and got another Bachmann narrow gauge slate wagon, a Bachmann narrow gauge blue box van, and some Bachmann HO scale Nickel silver straight track.

[Image: 1027181653.jpg]

I also got into painting my models to look more like how I want them to, although I haven't done any full repaints yet. I properly painted Thomas's rear lamp lense red, and painted Annie and Clarabel's door handles and hinges gold, and their buffer housings red (I need to do a few more coats, though). I found out that I have a really steady hand as long as I stay focused and don't get impatient.

[Image: 1027181654.jpg]

[Image: 1027181655.jpg]
Modeling the LNER (and some Thomas stuff) in OO Scale.
[-] The following 1 user Likes TrainMan2001's post:
  • Off The Rails
Nice detail work T-Man. I do like that blue box car.

BTW: [Image: birthday-song.gif]

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