TrainMan2001's modifications

28 Replies, 31687 Views

Hey guys! Thought I would make a Modification thread for me. I am currently working on making my Ben model have a front coupler. I am also going to give one to Salty and make him go backwards too. I will give Henry a wire front coupler to doublehead with Hiro. I will post pictures once I know how to. Goodbye
TrainMan 2001
[-] The following 1 user Likes TrainMan2001's post:
  • Super
Excellent. Can't wait to see how they turn out TrainMan2001! [Image: nodding-yes-by-a-very-happy-smiley-emoticon.gif]
Thank you Super. You have been so kind to me. Would you be able to tell me how to post pictures? And do you have a YouTube account?
You can either post pictures from your computer by using the "Attach File" in the post creating window or you can upload to a free online hosting site like PhotoBucket and link your pictures into your post like I do. I don't have a fancy phone or tablet so if you are planning to use them maybe another member can help there. As far as my own YouTube Channel, I do have one but have yet to make any video's of the trains and layout although the time is getting near. I have been waiting to complete my custom restaurant which is almost don and for all the Monorail materials to arrive which they have and added to the layout. You can be sure I will post the links to the series of videos I plan on doing soon.....I can here some snickering from the members who have heard me say that many times. Tongue
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Ucwepn
Welcome to the site trainman2001, there are some interesting modifications on your list, I fitted a front coupler to my salty, it was pretty straightforward, but I imagine if yours will be running backwards it will want a ring rather than a hook. To post pictures I use my photobucket account, it's free and gives you the codes to post the pictures so it makes it easy, I've also got a YouTube account too, it's great if you want to share videos,
[-] The following 1 user Likes Tramp's post:
  • Super
Thank you guys. I don't have a YouTube account, but is it possible for me to post videos here? I am going to fix my Thomas today and I am done putting a front coupler made out of wire on Henry, and did a coupler test and it pulled Hiro's tender off of him (Hiro).Tongue would you like to see some pictures?
I am not sure about the video question. The Administrators may know more if you can uplaod from your computer although that may use up quite a bit of Bandwidth if the site starts hosting video's. I do know there are several different types of videos you can use. Click on the TV Icon to the far right top of the reply window. DailyMotion, MetaCafe, MySpaceTV, Vimeo, YahooVideo and YouTube can be used. I only know about YouTube.
Here is a picture of Henry's coupler

"Attach File"


Maybe photo would be better for meUndecided

Dear Super,
I use a Nextbook tablet for this.
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2014, 09:04 PM by TrainMan2001.)
Yeah, photobucket is dead easy, I think they do an android app for it too do it would work on your net book, I have an I phone and have an app for photobucket, YouTube and YouTube capture (the capture lets me edit videos and piece different video clips together) I'd recommend using both/all three!
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2014, 09:12 PM by Tramp.)
Aww man! I cannot use photo bucket yet.Angry I can't do it until after my birthday ( don't worry it is soon ).

I fixed thomas!!!!Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2014, 09:31 PM by TrainMan2001.)

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