fenbo destruction. FINISHED! [for now...]

18 Replies, 35434 Views

didnt get much done of it tonight. glued one side of the bumper. have left it to dry and will hopefully get over on sunday to try and do the other side. wanted to do both at once, but because it needs to be slightly flexed to fit right, i couldnt hold it all at once. also looking for a way to reinforce the joins. not much room once the plate is in place. might use a slip of paper or a piece of tin foil.

[Image: GEDC0841.jpg]

also checked the coupler heights by hooking up to annie, and both rear and front are perfect, so hopefully the mod on the new one will fit without any troubles.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
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Thats great! I so want one but you already know that Tongue
[-] The following 1 user Likes Ucwepn's post:
  • sunhuntin
chris, i dont think theres anything you dont want, lmao.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
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reconstruction is complete and a success! i had to retain the original fenbo coupler for the lead engine, and pinch the loop closed, as the gap was too wide so the hook would just come out. when i tried using a thomas coupler for the lead, it was way too low and the rear wheels would lift up when they were joined. may end up painting the original coupler white so it matches better.

photos saturday hopefully. sick and too tired right now, but the locos look great together, and run perfectly.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
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went home sick from work on wednesday, so stopped at the club and grabbed it to finish at home.

[Image: doubhead1.jpg]

coupler height difference.
[Image: doubhead2.jpg]

the second one arrived late thursday afternoon, so the loco came with me to club. its in really good shape, and the set came with the original box even.
[Image: doubhead5.jpg]

they look quite good together. i pinched the lead engine coupler with pliers to close the gap up.
[Image: doubhead6.jpg]

ive tried running them together on a small circle with 4 trucks, and they struggle, so i will have to do something about that. want them to resemble the power a real double header would have had. also think it doesnt help that the rear engine is missing a tyre still.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
[-] The following 2 users Like sunhuntin's post:
  • emilyfan101, Super
Nice work. Soon you will become a modifying pro like Ucwepn. Did you create that step up coupler on the working engine to match the modified front coupler on the second? [Image: winking-thumbs-up-smiley-emoticon.gif]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • sunhuntin
super, thanks. dont think i will ever get as good as wepn, this was just a basic coupler fitting. anyone could have done it, and likely a better job. the step up coupler is the original fenbo one, just had to pinch the opening closed.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
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Lovely job! is it a grip problem or a lacking power problem?
[-] The following 1 user Likes Ucwepn's post:
  • sunhuntin
thanks, chris.
it seems to be a mix. they dont seem all that fond of corners and tend to get stuck. also, if the track is even a little higher at a join, they stop. with the corners, they may be hitting the sides, since the fenbo track is a heap wider with lots of clearance on both sides.
i will have another look when im feeling better, but may send them to you for an upgrade if thats alright? they arent too bad to work on, thankfully.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/

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