The New 3D Printing Thread

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I don't think many people can make Tomy/Trackmaster shells. The J50 that's on Thingiverse is too thin and tall for a Plarail Percy/Nia shell. I 3D Printed one and tested it. I hope someone can do a batter J50 someday.
Making Customs, Filming Videos and looking for the purest engines. That's how I roll here on Blue Plastic Tracks.

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(This post was last modified: 01-20-2024, 06:13 PM by Trainboy90 Productions.)
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Got around to detailing one end of the coach

[Image: Screenshot-176.png]

Image used as reference: (GNR 6 wheel brake 3rd)

[Image: Great-Northern-Railway-six-wheeled-Brake...082876.jpg]
The magic of the GWR
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2024, 06:25 PM by Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp.)
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Looking good D9D 👍
I think someone out there should someday make a better Tomy/Trackmaster J50 shell than Starspec's as his is too narrow and too high in height.

I would love to see a more accurate one than what we have one day.

I would definitely one day would love to try to make Tomy/Trackmaster for myself for my own T&F Series.
Making Customs, Filming Videos and looking for the purest engines. That's how I roll here on Blue Plastic Tracks.

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(This post was last modified: 01-28-2024, 05:09 PM by Trainboy90 Productions.)
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I defiantly need help... So I've been working on my GNR 4 wheel coaches and well the 6 comp. 3rd body (without interior and roof detail) is complete:

[Image: Screenshot-185.png]

[Image: Screenshot-186.png]

Also I've almost finished the 4 comp. 3rd brake, however I've run into a slight problem... You see I only have a photo of the side of the coach and as for the ends I've been using photos of the preserved 4 wheel 5 comp. 3rd and the 6 wheel brake 3rd, but I the ends are giving me a headache. The GNR coaches had two ends 1 with a curved handrail and steps:

[Image: Great-Northern-Railway-six-wheeled-Brake...082876.jpg]

And an end with a wire/ pipe for presumably the lighting:

[Image: Whats-App-Image-2024-01-19-at-1-12-26-PM.jpg]

Now the end with the steps is usually on the side of the doors with a handle, but on the photo of the 4 wheel 3rd brake that I have a curved handrail and step can just be seen witch would go against every other GNR 4 and 6 wheel coach I've seen?

If anyone can find a photo of specifically a GNR 4 wheel 3rd brake it would be a huge help!

[Image: Whats-App-Image-2024-01-28-at-11-08-57-PM-3.jpg]

[/url][url=][Image: gnr-4-wheel-3rd.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-187.png]

[Image: Screenshot-188.png]
The magic of the GWR
(This post was last modified: 02-17-2024, 07:26 PM by Donald9Douglas10Oliver11mp.)
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  • generic_truck_69420, Super
I don't know if this would help, but here's a couple of review videos of the Hornby versions of these coaches. The pipes you mention are vacuum pipes presumably for the braking;
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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I don't know if you recall, but some time back one of our members posted about some track they had designed for use with the PlaRail Advance range of Tomy trains.  Well at the time I said I would be interested in printing some to see how good they are.  Well I've finally found some time to start looking at this and have printed one of each type of track piece apart from the points (or turnouts if you're american lol).  They seem to have come out pretty good and will need only minor cleanup, the only thing I think that needs working on are the little connectors that join the track pieces together as I have found the sample a bit of a tight fit.  This is not unusual and is maybe just down to the printer and/or the filament as sometimes you can get slight expansion of parts if there is something that doesn't work 100% perfectly.  I'll be trying printing some at 95% width and see if this fixes the issue, other wise it will mean lots of sanding to adjust them when printed at full size.

Anyway here's a couple of pics of the test parts I printed, currently I have a batch of one of the curves on the go next...

[Image: IMG-20240314-232926.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20240314-232940.jpg]
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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For those interested in owning a Knapford Station, Hajime FUjimoto on Thingiverse has made a Knapford Station that's pretty close to the original release proportionally. Be warned though that the roof piece does not have the block built into it to help give it structural support so it is up to the user to figure out a solution to reinforce it.
name's roxaclock, see ya around!
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I didn't actually watch the video that went up on youtube, but I did see it in my feed.  It looked pretty good, although to be fair its still possible (I think) to pick up the real Tomy sets relatively cheaply - at least in the UK that is.
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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(03-14-2024, 11:47 PM)Nigels Wrote: I don't know if you recall, but some time back one of our members posted about some track they had designed for use with the PlaRail Advance range of Tomy trains.  Well at the time I said I would be interested in printing some to see how good they are.  Well I've finally found some time to start looking at this and have printed one of each type of track piece apart from the points (or turnouts if you're american lol).  They seem to have come out pretty good and will need only minor cleanup, the only thing I think that needs working on are the little connectors that join the track pieces together as I have found the sample a bit of a tight fit.  This is not unusual and is maybe just down to the printer and/or the filament as sometimes you can get slight expansion of parts if there is something that doesn't work 100% perfectly.  I'll be trying printing some at 95% width and see if this fixes the issue, other wise it will mean lots of sanding to adjust them when printed at full size.

Hey Nigels, first of all thanks alot for giving my tracks a test. They are a tight fit because the Plarail Advance trains are very sensitive to imperfect track. Im not sure how bad it is on your end but for me its still possible to connect the tracks. Looking at the pictures you send the tracks seem to have very harsh imperfections, maybe your printer is ready for a service? Maybe your filament needs a drying session? It looks all so mushy to me. My printer prints edges quite well. Maybe just a few tweaks to the slicer could already improve it.

Cheers Ron
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