thanks again, AOF04! motor tomica truck

10 Replies, 7961 Views

Just noticed that all the vehicles that say 'Motor Tomica' on the bottom use the 'N' Battery and the ones that just say 'Tomy' use a 'AAA'. I don't have any Thomas characters to check those.

I am sure glad I checked as I found 6 of them I left the battery's in. I am also in conference with myself to open the 4 new in package ones (Motor Tomica) to remove the battery's that come with them. No sense leaving them in the package and 10- 20 years from now the battery's have leaked destroying the insides. I wish manufacturers would not make their products with the battery's installed. If they want to include a battery, it should be separate. Besides, in this day and age including battery's with a product is not a selling feature like it was a few decades ago.
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