
5 Replies, 5250 Views

I have been after this guy for quite a while and had been envious of Ripley because of his. Seems every one I had seen in the Japan Auctions would not sell to the Buying Agents or ones I found in other places would ship over seas. Of course I could of paid way too much for what some sellers wanted but I just bided my time and it was shear luck that this one showed up on Ebay of all places. It was luck because I happened to be looking at an Ebay page of something totally different from these trains and at the bottom was a row of items that were under "People who viewed this item also viewed" and there it was, and for a better price that I had seen anywhere I grabbed it.

As fate would have it, I had made a bid on a Used one in the Japan Auctions just a few hours earlier for just a minimum of 1200yen and would you know it...I won that one too. All these months searching for one now I will have 2. These usually go for upwards of a $100 even used so I sure can't complain. At least now I can keep this one sealed and run the used one, which looks mint. I have a plan for a modification for that one too. Did I mention this was a talking Donald Duck Train? Watch Ripleys video here.

[Image: 002.jpg]
[-] The following 4 users Like Super's post:
  • mod thana, MuddyPoppins, Off The Rails, ripley802
Yeah this one and the Mickey one are pretty neat. I think there are some design things that could have been fixed but they are cool.
[-] The following 3 users Like ripley802's post:
  • mod thana, MuddyPoppins, Super
What design things did you see Ripley?
I was just thinking some of the “cheesy-ness” of them. :-). But at the same time I think that is part of what makes them a bit odd and different.
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
  • Super
That’s an awesome score! I’m glad that you’re still finding things on your “want list”.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Off The Rails's post:
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Since you mention it, my list was down to this Donald Duck Train, finish my set of 4 hard to find aqua express coaches, and an Event Exclusive light up O series Shinkansen. I have been raking my brain trying to come up with anything else I want. I am happy to say that I have purchased the 3 Aqua Express Coaches to finish my set of 4 and a new in box O Series Shinkansen with light to fulfill my list. I know I have teased about always being the end but this time it may be true. The only thing I could would really like now is filling a set of super hard to find Trackmaster Coaches of which I only have one. Oh there still are the purchases where I accumulate items and accessories for modifications and custom trains and buildings but I may be done with anything already released.

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