A New Taiwan Exclusive???????

9 Replies, 8196 Views

Have seen a couple of these sets appear in the Auctions. They look like they may be exclusive to Taiwan but I don't think I have seen that style of train before.
Anyone have any further info?

Taoyuan Metro Creativity Set
[Image: i-img1000x1000-1544085261ej8nli965454.jpg]
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Looks like it was just released in Taiwan a few days ago. The text is traditional Chinese, the big writing is just the "Creativity Set" bit, but buried in the small print is "Taoyuan Airport MRT" (桃園機場).

Google this: 捷運 機捷百變創意軌道組
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I found myself in the Japan auctions the other day browsing and saw this too. I saw the “creativity” mention so figured it was something like a DIY set where you can make it what you want? Sort of like that plain white set where you could customize it.
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
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Presumably the 'creativity' lies in the fact that they suggest six different ways that the tracks and peripherals can be assembled:
[Image: blah.jpg]
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Thanks Chrisjo for the information. Interesting but I wish there were better pictures of just the train. Maybe there will be a YouTube video made soon.
I can confirm it is the Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Metro Express Train Creativity Set.

The set contains track as shown in the pictures and the Airport Metro Express train.

The train is a Kawasaki Class 2000 train in its purple livery.

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Thank you Plarnold. Wonder if this will be released as just the train at some point.
There will be a release of the standalone Commuter train that is blue and runs on the same line. It looks almost the same as the purple Express version.

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Thank you Plarnold. I don't know why but this toy train reminds me of the NYC Metro 2000 by LEC.

[Image: s-l1ll600.jpg]
It is possible that Kawasaki used similar designs.

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