My Mysterious Talk N' Action Gordon

16 Replies, 11315 Views

So I was wondering what is it about my Gordon with that Abnormal Speed, Also how he sometimes skips tracks, He is very Mysterious, So I Wanted to make a Thread on the Subject of it.
Also is this like the fastest Talk N' Action Gordon you have ever seen?
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
Also quick fun fact about my username:
Its actually the "WAW" Part is my full initials
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
I have had various expierence some documented in the threads here with various issues of the TnA line. The speed is a main issue that comes up. I cannot say if Gordon is the fastest or not and have had some that are very slow. My next plan if I get a chance is to swap the motor in a TnA with one from the Trackmaster Revolution series to see if that works at all any better.
Also you could try one of those Ultra 4K Tamyia Light Dash Motors.

Also did you see on eBay some guy from Thailand that I bought some of my Bandai TECS from in December of 2017 is selling BNIB Japanese TnA Percys, And for like total of 70 bucks with shipping added.
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
(This post was last modified: 12-04-2018, 05:06 PM by Super.)
The light dash/hyper dash kill the batteries pretty fast from what I have seen/heard.

I did see the seller with the TnA Percy’s, a few members have purchased them on here I believe.
Also at some point I plan to send My Gordon to you, His gear slips a tad bit and his wheel snapped and a piece broke off during a siderod swap, So for now he holds up okay, But at some point I plan to get him fixed up completely, Also when I do, Try to see what kind of Motor he has.
For now he has super-glue holding his wheel and gear in place.

Also Ripley I'm curious what causes them to play the incorrect phrases or actions on certain tracks?
like is a circuit board issue or what? Just curious?
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
(This post was last modified: 12-04-2018, 06:28 PM by Super.)
No problem. The activation mechinisim has two little pieces of metal which contact to activate. This can sometimes be flakey.
That explains it because alot he has been performing the 1 track's function on a 5 track, Or the 2 Track's Function on a 3 Track, He wasn't doing it when I first got him, it started days after, and he sometimes often skips tracks, Should jiggling the tab fix the issue?
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
It may, but unfortunately I think that is one of the design flays with these unfortunately. I do love them and they are very complex, but are prone to issues and there are things they likely could have done better in designing them.
You should try modifying one and making it so it has a super advanced reading mechanism, AKA The Ultimate TnA Engine!
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
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