ID please

12 Replies, 11399 Views

Can I have a name and origin for this please?

[Image: image.png]
Hi Chris,

Isn't that one of the Hyper-City trains? I'm not sure its necessarily modelled on a standard 'real' train. Although I could be wrong, I'm sure one of the experts will tell us Big Grin

Cheers, Nigel
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
Its the Boso View Express. We had a discussion on it last year when member Bollard brought it up. Lots of info an videos here
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See I told you an expert would be along shortly - just like commuter trains Big Grin
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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That's nice, I just nabbed one from ebay for peanuts. AKA Tomica World 'Inter Rail', item #7462.
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Good for you Chris. Here is a gray wheeled one going for quite a bit
currently for sale Uk, two for the price of one
That one looks like it's got considerable damage across the front though.
(This post was last modified: 11-02-2018, 09:29 PM by Super.)
[Image: s-l1600-71.jpg]

oops oh yes i see
Well, it turned out that the damage wasn't as bad as it looked, just black felt-pen marks that will hopefully come off, but really it was the extra Boso View coach I had an eye on anyway. A pity I didn't notice that a black perspex window strip was missing.
[Image: DSC03455.jpg]

What I did notice however, and the star of the show for me (apart from scoring another red & white express coach, always welcome), and the reason I was silently cursing you for advertising the lot while it was still live!, is these:
[Image: DSC03456.jpg]
No Plakids unfortunately.

And now I've got another question, a request for information about the origin of this spare coach that I don't remember coming across before, and it's much easier to ask here than to spend hours searching?
[Image: DSC03457.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2018, 05:29 PM by Super.)
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