Show Us Your Other Stuff!

37 Replies, 42839 Views

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Show us all your train related stuff you have in your house, apartment or office. Anything but our train sets. Could be wall art, signs, train relics or antiques...anything. Maybe you have a special train hat or a BBQ apron with a train theme. Whatever it is post your pictures here and tell us about it. Come on, show us what you got!

I will start us off with a couple of our many things we have around the house...

Our rare Lionel Train Lamp. Turning the light on starts the Hudson 700E train moving around with the conductor announcing "All Aboard" and the sounds of the steam engine chugging away with blows from its whistle. The four post lamps and the station also lights up. It is very neat. Hard to find this one. Have the original box for it too.

[Image: 017_zps579f348e.jpg]

This replica Train Station clock has sentimental value for me. This was my Fathers clock and he had it for a long tome. It now has a home above my computer desk and I think of him every time I look up.

[Image: 023_zpsa36dd810.jpg]
[-] The following 5 users Like Super's post:
  • anc6802, jdogman, sunhuntin, thehsvdude, Trackmaster-Rail-Yard
Love the Train Lamp Big Grin Looks very detailed
love the lamp, and the clock is timeless [lol, pun not really intended...]

easier just to post a link, rather than upload everything to photobucket. hehe. some things not shown are assorted tshirts/dress shirts, caps, pin badges and tea spoons.
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That is a great collection of Railroad Police Badges Sunhuntin. Hmmmm...makes me want to start collecting real patches of my own. Could that Canadian National clock be a real one from a station? Is that wood grained steam engine home made, I like it? Thanks for sharing.
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  • sunhuntin
on my way to work, will reply properly later. Big Grin
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ok, finally home again. looooong day, hehe.

the wooden train, i think is home made. i picked it up at a thrift store a few years ago.

the patches are likely my favourites, gifts from friends while in canada last year. they came from the couples son. they are easily found on ebay, not sure what an average price is though.

not sure on the clock, another thrift store find, lol. might have been a staff offering, or souviner on a particular train trip or something. dont think its big enough for a station, but above a desk, like it is now, could work.
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I am really surprised! With all the train enthusiast's we have here that more don't have train paraphernalia around their house or office.

Well, we have quite a bit so here is a couple more...

Here is the sign that points visitors in the right direction down to our train room.

[Image: 025_zps980d6d3a.jpg]

Here we have a very detailed replica of the Crescent 1925 although I am not sure if it was an actual train. Whats neat about this is that it is a working Telephone. When a call comes in, instead of a ringer you get the sounds of a steam whistle and the chugging of the engine. We use our cordless phones for calling but this is still plugged in for the sound. Even when answering our cordless the train sound doesn't stop until it finishes its cycle which catches callers by surprise.

[Image: 036_zps2d98b377.jpg]

[Image: 037_zps33de34fe.jpg]
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[Image: tN7Y2rK.jpg]

This is most likely the only thing I have which fits the criteria. I bought this from an antique toy stop about six years ago. I believe this is froma series of reprints so there's nothing vintage about it.
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  • Super
I love that picture. Maybe its a reproduction but I would imagine its a copy of an old photo or painting. Is it very big? I am curious as to what it says in the circle in the lower right corner.

[Image: double-thumbs-up-thanks-smiley-emoticon.gif]
I'd say it's about A3 size. The bottom corner says "Product of Meccano Limited Liverpool". I never looked at it in great detail before but I assumed reproduction from the things written on each edge on the back saying, "Reproduced with permission of Hornby Hobbies Ltd", "Jeebsters Nostalgic Signs Melbourne Australia copyright 1998", and "Made in Australia". Obviously staring at me in the face then. Tongue
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