Today's 00 Gauge Goodies...

3 Replies, 4495 Views

Hi Folks,

Well its been at least a couple of days since my last post (and postal delivery come to that), but here's a couple of lovely items, all bought at rock bottom bargain prices.

Firstly we have a Hornby Class 08 Diesel loco (as opposed to the prior Class 06 ones I posted about), this one is in a bit of an odd livery as it was part of a 'kiddies' set themed Jurassic Park style with a train, rocket launchers, dinosaurs etc... Normally I probably wouldn't have been interested in this, but seeing as I got it for a knock down price of only £7.99 I figured it was worth having as it could be used as a donor to make me a Devious Diesel Smile

It's not quite perfect as it is missing the steps at the front bottom corners of the loco, but this can be repaired so its not obvious, I intend to retain the yellow/black chevrons, but give the rest of the body a nice black satin paint job, with some detailing on the grills etc... and of course a Diesel face (possibly nicked off a Tomy model). Or maybe I should just re-paint it in a more normal genuine British Rail livery...

[Image: IMG_20180416_214528664.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20180416_214542124.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20180416_214604773.jpg]

A nice little touch was the inclusion with the loco above this beautiful and detailed little Hornby tank wagon (for free as I was not expecting this). Although I have a couple of this style, this is the first of this particular livery I've got and have to say I wouldn't mind getting a few more Smile

[Image: IMG_20180416_214632303.jpg]

Lastly I have another lovely bargain, this is a 'Pullman' coach, in days gone by the most luxurious of coaches used for train travel and providing not only drawing room luxury, but often meals and service of equal measure.

This isn't the first Pullman coach I've got, in fact I've got quite a few, including a rake of the Hornby ones with real working lights (the lamps on the tables light up on those). While this is not one of those types, it was purchased as an un-boxed example of a Hornby pullman at a knock down price of £5. So imagine my surprise and delight to find when I opened it and examined it to find out it is actually not a Hornby example, but one manufactured by Wrenn. Often Wrenn rolling stock and locos go for way more than Hornby and are eagerly sought by Wrenn collectors Smile

[Image: IMG_20180416_214846934.jpg]

This is a close up of the detail showing you the tables and lamps, as I said these ones don't light up, but the special Hornby ones do and are glorious...

[Image: IMG_20180416_214904074.jpg]

This is another close up of the end of the car showing the detail around the doors etc... Not bad for quite an old model, although again the latest Hornby lit carriages have refinements such as curtains on the windows and on this part brass looking hand rails by the doors etc... at some point I'll post a comparison of the various Pullman coaches available.

[Image: IMG_20180416_214922370.jpg]
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
[-] The following 1 user Likes Nigels's post:
  • Super
whooooo, that JP loco is awesome! not seen that one before.
my website address has changed:
[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
  • Nigels
If only you could remove the Dinosaur printing as the rest of the engine looks to be a good candidate for a military train.

Love that Tanker. I have been looking for such things cheap here in the US but they aren't as available like they are in the UK.

That Pullman Dinning coach is awesome with the inside details. All it needs is some figures and lighting.

Great pickups Nigels.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • Nigels
As it happens they did a military version as well, so you had the dino safari set like this one; Dino Set and the strike force military set like this; Strike force as well as an earlier version (same timeline as the dino set) called Battlezone, although the nicest set made over the years was the Triang Battle Space models, available in sets as well as individual rolling stock that included things such as a flatbed with a working search light, a glider launcher, helicoptor carrier, the list goes on and on Smile

You can get a great range of tank wagons here in the UK, not only the Hornby ones, but others made by Lima, Bachmann, Dapol, the list goes on and on...
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2018, 11:58 PM by Super.)
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