talking face changing engines

5 Replies, 10407 Views

ok, who has these? they had thomas, james and hiro. each came with a piece or two of cargo. can the cargo be placed in the attached tender/truck, or no? otherwise, what is the point of it? lol

with the advent of this new version, i can now focus on filling holes in the collection from the HIT range. Big Grin

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I have Hiro but sadly second hand and did not come with his scenery pieces.
thanks, chris. i have loads for thomas and james, but not engines. lol. got them off trademe along with kevins flatdecks [but no kevin...]
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(06-14-2014, 09:45 AM)sunhuntin Wrote: thanks, chris. i have loads for thomas and james, but not engines. lol. got them off trademe along with kevins flatdecks [but no kevin...]

Charley, do you have Kevin's cargo. Id be happy to swap you a Kevin for the cargo. I know that wouldn't make much sense because then you'd be missing the cargo, but worth a shot.

I had then both awhile ago, when I moved I just never saw them again. I found james but I dot have thomas . I do however have Thomas's load
From Thomas To Today's Modern Diesels, They're All A Part Of My Rail-Yard!
(06-14-2014, 02:03 PM)Toys_Trains-Things Wrote: Charley, do you have Kevin's cargo. Id be happy to swap you a Kevin for the cargo. I know that wouldn't make much sense because then you'd be missing the cargo, but worth a shot.


no, i dont have his cargo. sorry!
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