So I finally found one Plarail Nagasaki 2x series 3000 on ebay. Sadly the original motor is fried due to battery corrosion. I know people will get upset but I replaced the damage battery terminal with Peter Sam's. Works like a dream. This train has so many pieces beneath the chassis so be careful before you put the chassis apart. I am trying to figure how not to make the train sag.
Swapping motor on Plarail Nagasaki 2x series 3000
13 Replies, 14634 Views
Excellent idea and implementation Leyland. I wonder if some added weight in the nose of that lead part would help with the sagging.
I know I had really liked these trams when I first saw a video of Ucwepn when he received his. I did a lot a research and found information that these developed problems with coupling parts. Could yours be one of those problems? I can't locate Ucwepns video...did I dream that? I believe there were two versions of this type of tram and both reported the same problems so I stayed away from them.
Super, you are not dreaming. Here is the video.
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2018, 09:21 PM by Super.)
I actually have 2 trams now. The other one is stored somewhere deep in the storage locker. I remember you can't uncouple the tram on the other one. Perhaps Tomy used 2 different coupling designs.
That's a weird little train, why did they go for such a design? Why didn't they just do their normal 4 wheel carriages with normal type connectors, its not as if Tomy usually care too much about realistic scale
![]() If it was a big deal they could always have made the front/rear carriages just shorter than usual, after all the motor is in the middle car...
Happily collecting things all my life...
Here is a video from the past...before a talking Ucwepn and before the shed Layout... whaaaat? is that Nancy Sinatra's Sugar Town we hear???
Have to admit that one looks a lot nicer, no connector droop either
Happily collecting things all my life...
Good News. I figure out why the train is sagging. it has to do with the battery terminal design on Peter Sam. The wheel well for Peter is way deeper than the Plarail Nagasaki 2x series 3000. It forced one set of wheels in the middle carriage to sink in. Unfortunately i forgot to take a photo before replacing the motor. See photo below.
![]() I tried to harvest a motor off several spare Spencer sadly none of them work ![]() ![]() While I dig for my spare Spencer, I found the other Plarail Nagasaki 2x series 3000 I had, they have the same coupling system.
Thats one of the drawbacks to repairing these Flat Drives as there are several different variations to the plastic housings. The one I dislike the most is the one that has the engines front wheels attached right to the housing.
yup. The trackmaster version 1 has front wheels attached to the chassis. I took apart Sir handle and Rusty. the front wheels are mounted onto the chassis.
(This post was last modified: 04-14-2018, 01:37 AM by Super.)
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