Steam along Thomas problems

7 Replies, 7632 Views

Hi everyone,

I have a problem that I can’t wrap my head around it.

My kid has two steam along Thomas trains (and another one who broke and I don’t know how to repair it).

The first is an used one and it works ok. It runs without an issue, despite not giving the steam and the light works randomly. I’m ok with that and the kid as well.

Now I got him a brand new steam along Thomas with complete set, everything properly new and boxed.
The problem is that while the light and steam properly works, the train don’t. On the floor it works flawlessly. But on tracks, and it can be TOMY tracks, trackmaster tracks, the train just don’t climb. It stops. It doesn’t even try to climb. Even on regular non climbing tracks, the train sometimes stops or starts lagging a bit.

I compared both of them, to see if the new one had a bumper on the bottom of it that could get in the way, but no. They are exactly the same.

I don’t know if it’s a defect or not. The used ones always worked properly but they were used. I don’t know if anything has to be done on brand new ones.

Does anybody had a similar problem like this one?

Any help will be most welcome.
Is this a Trackmaster or Plarail? Plus a short video may help us see exactly what the problem may be.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
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Hi Super,

Thanks for stepping in. The train is a Gullane 2005 train for the TOMY blue tracks. But they work well on the trackmaster tracks. This one, not even in the blue tracks works properly.

I’m gonna attach a few photos and two videos. One for the troubled one on a trackmaster track (the blue one is on the godmothers kid house) and another for the other SAT on the same track working fine. As well as some pictures to show the difference between those two and the third one (broken).

Hi Super.
I tried to upload the videos but it says the type of file is not allowed. How can I get around it?

Thank you for all your help.
[Image: B1030_C3_A-_FA32-48_D5-_B34_A-7832_F9133_B6_F.jpg]

[Image: B33868_DB-0_B2_E-4545-853_F-_E26118837205.jpg]

[Image: C2_C1544_C-426_F-4217-88_D5-4_B7_AD7_CFA8_F5.jpg]

[Image: ECAF1020-_F30_A-426_D-8_BAB-29_F77_DC53_FE8.jpg]

NDR: the one closer to the camera with the Energizer batteries is the new one. The metallic part in the back is different from the other two that works

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2018, 08:12 PM by Baldrick.)
This sounds to me like the axle gear on the drive unit may be cracked. There are many accounts of new, in the box, older or vintage trains having a cracked gear even though it has never been out of its box. I believe that the older plastic gear becomes somewhat weak and with the first runnings may crack with the torque. Here is a way to find out if this is indeed the problem, turn over the drive coach, is it Annie, turn on the motor, gently apply some pressure on a drive wheel with your thumb, if you can stop the wheels from turning but still see the gear moving inside, its the drive gear that is cracked.

Are you using a phone or computer for uploading a video?
Hi Super,

You are totally right. I did your test and in fact it stopped immediately. I did the same test on the working one and i couldn't stop the wheels.

I have already did this test but on the other way around, pressuring the top of the Annie Carriage. Same thing happened.

I have two videos showing it. I just don't know how to add them using the computer. I tried previously to upload them directly from my phone, but it said the file type was not possible to upload

I uploaded the videos on youtube (my second and third videos ever published..I'm on a roll).

If the problem is the one you're saying, is there a tutorial I can follow to make it work again?

Thanks for the great help Super!
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2018, 10:09 PM by Baldrick.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Baldrick's post:
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Is it possible for you to switch out the drive wheels from you non-working Thomas for the ones on the new Thomas?

I am not sure about videos and phones as I don't have one (I know I am ancient) but most of us use Youtube for uploading videos, there you will have a link to Post it in the Forums. I am sure if others use something different they will chime in. You can create a Youtube account for free if you don't have one and if you already have a Google account you can sign in to Youtube with that.

You can use the links you posted to the videos on YouTube, just click the drop down on the far right for the (tv) icon:
[Image: 1_E1_B6598-933_A-413_C-_B863-666772_B6_E7_BB.jpg]

BTW: I typically always use mobile for uploaded, posting, etc.. Big Grin
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
  • Super
Hi Super,

I thought about that and partially dismantled one of the trains, only to see that it’s too complicated for me to switch them.

I don’t even know where to start. Thank you for your kind help. I’ll try to contact the tomy company.

Hi Ripley,

Thanks for the tip! Really appreciate it.
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2018, 02:44 AM by Baldrick.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Baldrick's post:
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