TRU - What Will You Miss?

1 Replies, 2565 Views


Since it looks to be inevitable that Toys-R-Us will disappear and most Members here at BPT's have fond memories of the store, this question comes to mind.

What Will You Miss Most About Toys-R-Us?

What I will miss most is at every gift giving time of the year whether it be birthdays or Holidays but especially at Xmas time. I would visit a Toys-R-Us and just browse and study each aisle with pen and paper looking for ideas for gifts. Most of the time I would find something there and buy it but a lot of time the browsing would give me ideas of other toys, models or gifts which I can write down and research more when I get home. I do have to admit that I am guilty of using brick and mortar stores as a hands on store and then buy online which has, over the years, contributed to the downfall of stores in every category of sales.

So what I will miss most is the discovery of things or ideas that I would never had thought of on my own if not for Toys-R-Us and....just a little bit....about me feeling like a kid again. Smile
What about you? What will you miss most?

I think we will all miss the wonderland type environment that made a TrUs different from that of the "big box" retailers everytime we stand looking at toys in the impersonal and relatively identical isles of a Kmart, Target, or Walmart. Sad
Rest in piece TrUs...thank you for all the years of trying to keep toys fun for the children.
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
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