Adding to my Hornby 00 Collection...

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Well I've been acquiring quite a few locomotives so its about time I increased my rolling stock otherwise what will they pull? So for a starter here's a job lot of Lima branded rolling stock I just received;

First up some larger box wagons;

1 x Coca-Cola
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1 x Schweppes
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3 x Heinz
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1 x British Rail
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Now some private owner plank wagons (originally typically used to haul Coal, although other loads would be carried at times).

1 x Pinxton
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1 x Greater Western
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2 x J K Harrison
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2 x P W Spencer
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1 x Black Park Colliery
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Now some 'normal' sized box wagons, these are typically about the same size as the private owner wagons and guards vans.

1 x Wall's (Ice Cream manufacturer among other things)
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1 x St Ivel (Dairy)
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1 x Greater Western
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1 x LMS
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1 x Lucas Batteries
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1 x Blue Circle Cement Tanker
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1 x British Steel 'Hopper'
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1 x Esso Fuel Tanker
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1 x Guard Van (White Roof)
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1 x Guard Van (Grey Roof)
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Finally a couple of really quite special wagons

The first is a flat wagon with 3 cars as cargo, the really nice thing is the cars here are lovely detailed diecast models, not the normal primitive plastic ones you get, this was included in the above job lot.
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The last one was an individual box wagon I purchased separately, purely because it is very unusual and I'd never seen one like it. Although you get plenty of box wagons, it is unusual to get one that is this long - about the same as a passenger carriage.
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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2018, 05:17 PM by Nigels.)
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First up we have a Southern Rail steam locomotive, this one is a somewhat less common model of a Class M7 0-4-4 tank locomotive. Quite nice in a quirky way, this one is an older Hornby Triang release from the mid-70's.

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Next up is a 'working' 75 ton rescue crane, these would typically be used to help de-railed locomotives or rolling stock be righted so that they could be recovered. This works in that you have the ability to raise/lower the boom rotate the cab, or raise/lower the main hook. The last image has one of my little Pug's in the foreground to give you an idea of the scale of this model Smile

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Last up we have a pair of pugs that I got cheaply as a job lot, I just couldn't resist getting them as I love these models and the more liveries I can get the better! (well before AC starts buying them all up of course Angel) Big Grin

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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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Firstly we have a Hornby Class 08 Diesel loco (as opposed to the prior Class 06 ones I posted about), this one is in a bit of an odd livery as it was part of a 'kiddies' set themed Jurassic Park style with a train, rocket launchers, dinosaurs etc... Normally I probably wouldn't have been interested in this, but seeing as I got it for a knock down price of only £7.99 I figured it was worth having as it could be used as a donor to make me a Devious Diesel Smile

It's not quite perfect as it is missing the steps at the front bottom corners of the loco, but this can be repaired so its not obvious, I intend to retain the yellow/black chevrons, but give the rest of the body a nice black satin paint job, with some detailing on the grills etc... and of course a Diesel face (possibly nicked off a Tomy model).

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A nice little touch was the inclusion with the loco above this beautiful and detailed little Hornby tank wagon. Although I have a couple of this style, this is the first of this particular livery I've got and have to say I wouldn't mind getting a few more Smile

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Lastly I have another lovely bargain, this is a 'Pullman' coach, in days gone by the most luxurious of coaches used for train travel and providing not only drawing room luxury, but often meals and service of equal measure.

This isn't the first Pullman coach I've got, in fact I've got quite a few, including a rake of the Hornby ones with real working lights (the lamps on the tables light up on those). While this is not one of those types, it was purchased as an un-boxed example of a Hornby pullman at a knock down price of £5. So imagine my surprise and delight to find when I opened it and examined it to find out it is actually not a Hornby example, but one manufactured by Wrenn. Often Wrenn rolling stock and locos go for way more than Hornby and are eagerly sought by Wrenn collectors Smile

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This is a close up of the detail showing you the tables and lamps, as I said these ones don't light up, but the special Hornby ones do and are glorious...

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This is another close up of the end of the car showing the detail around the doors etc... Not bad for quite an old model, although again the latest Hornby lit carriages have refinements such as curtains on the windows and on this part brass looking hand rails by the doors etc... at some point I'll post a comparison of the various Pullman coaches available.

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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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First up another Class 08 diesel shunter, but unlike the 'Dino Safari' one this is a genuine livery and very nice it is too;

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Next up a couple more new liveried versions of my favourite little pug class;

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Now for something truly cool, a large pacific type loco, the Duchess of Atholl this one even has a train crew fitted!! Big Grin

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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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  • mod thana
Those are some great details.

You have got it bad Nigels Big Grin
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  • mod thana, Nigels
Finally we have a very varied mix of 00 gauge wagons, from flatbeds, to coal wagons, tankers, box cars, you name it. The fourth one will probably interest you Super as it is nicely weathered, not too much, not too little and has even a coal load fitted for added realism Smile

Some are slight 'fixer-uppers' but that's what you get when you buy a job lot, some will also benefit from a load to carry, something I've got a few ideas for so watch this space Smile

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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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  • mod thana
Remember the other limited edition, in a beautiful wooden case loco I had the other week? Well I've surpassed it with this one, again a lovely wooden case, limited edition certificate etc... but this has two N Class loco's. One is in Southern Rail livery, the other (same class) is in a wartime grey livery which was employed in an effort to help protect them from air raids etc...

The level of detail here is stunning (even without the separate detailing parts/train crews added) including such things as metal 'sprung' (i.e. working) buffers...

Without further ado let's get to it Smile

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Here's today's Hornby arrivals, this time a couple of less common models.

Firstly we have a nice example of a Class 86 electric loco, this one being the 'City of Lichfield', in pretty good condition about the only damage I can find is one of the name labels is slightly damaged. But this is something that can be rectified easily or even enhanced by fitting some etched brass name plates or similar.

I've included some close ups as there are some really interesting details on this model including a quite detailed set of cab details with proper controls etc... although this may not be quite as visible from these shots (I'll have to get my SLR out again Smile The other interesting detail is that this model not only has a pantograph, but a real working pantograph. If you notice slightly behind the pantograph there is a small switch, in one position it draws power like most model trains from the wheels/rails, in the other position it uses the overhead pantograph - although of course you would need track with a functioning set of catenary to provide the power.

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The other model is a 'Terrier' class 0-6-0 tank loco, this is quite a small loco, physically about the same size as the little 0-4-0 pug loco's or even smaller. However the detail is way greater than most small tank loco's that get modelled. The other interesting thing about this loco is that this is the same class as the real life 'Stepney' which was made into a Thomas character of the same name Smile

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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 04-19-2018, 08:25 PM by Nigels.)
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It had to happen, finally I get a 00 gauge Hornby Thomas (and carriages), the reason I waited? Well wasn't in a hurry, but more importantly this one is DCC fitted to go with Bill I got the other month Smile

Oh yes, and another Class 08 diesel shunter, this time in LMS livery Smile

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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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  • fred16850, mod thana, Off The Rails, Super
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Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2018, 08:10 PM by Nigels.)
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