:) SCORE!!!!!!!

37 Replies, 30519 Views

If anyone remembers how my TnA D10 Broke down, Well my cat finished off it's claw yesterday morning by destroying the shelves ;(


[Image: TNAD10.jpg]

All for $167.00 USD.
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
(This post was last modified: 03-10-2018, 01:55 PM by Super.)
[-] The following 3 users Like ItsWAWGaming's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, ripley802, WoodWheel92
$167 for a talk and action diesel 10?!?! Why? In my opinion that's a waste of money, all three of those characters are horrible and unncessary to the classic series, clearly horrible americanised Thomas characters.
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2018, 09:45 AM by Super.)
$167 for a T'nA D10 is a GREAT DEAL!!
It's a very hard to come by, highly collectible, and it's movable claw sets it apart from any other D10 of any maker of the range.
Plus it speaks Japanese!! Smile
...worth ever penny.
Nice score!
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
Congrats man! I wish regular TOMY D-10 could move his claw.

It's really weird how every interpretation of D-10 has a different claw function, Regular TOMY focuses more on the chopping, Ertl and Take-Along have a 360 claw, and Wooden Railway has the forward & back claw.
Trying to get more TOMY trains and track
[-] The following 3 users Like MunchJrTrains's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, Super, WoodWheel92
Nice score WAW. I do believe that is one that another eBay member recently purchased and returned. But maybe the seller fixed it or this is a different one..

[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
yeah $167 is a very good price for a tna diesel 10. The japanese tna trains are up there in terms of rarest plarail thomas trains ever so very good score
[-] The following 3 users Like Tharazero1's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, ripley802, Super
Nice addition to your collection WAW and a great price. [Image: huge-thumbs-up-smiley-emoticon.gif]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
Yea, I had this already but he broke down so this was a replacement.
and the claw actually will stay up on this one!
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018
[-] The following 1 user Likes ItsWAWGaming's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
i, myself, admire the various interpretations of diesel 10.
i saw 1 not to long ago. not sure which toy line, but the claw was very large and the face was more contorted than all other versions.

nice find all the same.
That was a different one, I saw it about a month or 2 ago for 400 USD.
This seller has a youtube video of his working:
This is the one I just bought to replace my broken down one.
Nevermind XD, It was the same seller BUT, This is a different one.
Because the one in the video works just fine.
[Image: IMG-20180126-232218494.jpg]
Rest In Piece Friend
Thomas A. Wilson 2008 - 2018

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