End Of The Line!!!

18 Replies, 15671 Views

END of the LINE

[Image: 59-_PM.jpg]

This is the End of the Line for searching and purchasing as our collection is complete of everything that has been released. Of course that doesn't include anything that has yet to be released. But this is absolutely the end of the line. We have or have had everything we ever wanted.

[Image: 003.jpg]

Briefly I will go over the items of note...

First, might as well address the elephant in the picture... you guys are not going to believe how much I paid for the Thomas's Round and Round Bridge Set as a BIN. Normally I am not into the gimmicky type sets like this and normally this hard to find set is quite expensive when you do see one but because this is the only set that the green rocking logs wagon came with and the sets uniqueness I thought it may be a nice addition to the Future World Collection. The set is complete and in great condition except for Thomas who is a bit worn but.....as luck would have it, the same Thomas with angry face came with one of the other rocking log wagons in this shipment so I will swap them. Don't know if it works yet, maybe I will video it when I put it together.

An Hour after grabbing the above Round and Round Set a Listing popped up with 2 extra bridge rails for the set from a different Seller that can be used as an add on to the set or by themselves in any Layout.

Two additional Green Rocking Log Wagons plus the one in the above Round and Round Bridge Set now gives us six which is enough.

Three very hard to find, gray Long Radius, Outside Curved Rails. Rarely seen they have had much competition for them when they are listed and I am always outbid.

Winnie the Poohs Honey Wagon which goes into the Disney and Character Collection.

Raspberry Tanker. These were only sold by themselves in a box and I don't think for very long as they don't come up very often. I do have another on its way.

Besides the two Clear Blue Annie's which are to be customized everything else is not needed for us.

So we have come to the End of the Line with interest in nothing else. Its been a great run.....................wait...................whats that up ahead before the End of the Line Bumper?...............
looks like a..........a mail pick up station.................. from Japan........................hmmmmm.

[Image: confused-shrug-smiley-emoticon.gif]
[-] The following 9 users Like Super's post:
  • B'Station Official, DalaGStanator, fred16850, MuddyPoppins, Off The Rails, ripley802, ThomasBlue, Ucwepn, WoodWheel92
Congratulations!! Now perhaps make some collection videos or even your own stories or layout videos for YouTube!
[-] The following 2 users Like B'Station Official's post:
  • Super, ThomasBlue

Maybe this Thread here at BPT will help show you. https://www.blueplastictracks.com/showthread.php?tid=14

Or if that doesn't help, how about this? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqt85mc...subscriber
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • B'Station Official, ThomasBlue
Oh sorry I didn't know you already had a channel and post about the customs! They look amazing though! I will check them out.
[-] The following 2 users Like B'Station Official's post:
  • Super, ThomasBlue
[Image: IMG_3386.jpg]

[Image: IMG_8362.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes drewbenn's post:
  • Super

End of the blue line is the start of the green line right? Right?

[-] The following 2 users Like plarnold's post:
  • ripley802, Super
Hmmm...Where have I heard that song before??
...clear blue Clarabel anyone?
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes MuddyPoppins's post:
  • Super
Oh, so its a story you want eh.....

Okay.... a couple of weeks ago it was late at night and I couldn't sleep, so as usual when this happens I get up and browse the auctions of Japan until I get tired enough to go back to bed. I like to just browse the New Arrivals and right before my eyes this Listing for the Round and Round Bridge Set pops up for 2000yen and its a.....Buy It Now...OMG! No way I thought as these go for way more than that so I immediately assumed there must be something wrong or missing/broken parts. I hurriedly scanned the details and as you can see that in just under 5 minutes since the Listing went live I had bought and paid for it.....what luck is that? At least I thought it was great luck being in the right place at the right time. Was it a good deal?

[Image: Untiuyitled.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
That's a "Super" score!! Very nice...you saved about 18000¥ !!!
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
  • ripley802, Super
18000yen....hmmm, what should I spend that on? Wink

Loading up on Annies for when they start giving away a Clear Blue Clarabel soon...I hope...please. Isn't it strange that these are the opposite of the clear brown Annie and Clarabel as far as availability where Clarabel is the first out. Speaking of clear brown Annie, I have not seen any other Listings ever for her since the 2 Listings I have ever seen making her ultra rare. Wonder if Clear Blue Clarabel will be the same.
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, ripley802

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