big loader and tomy displayed together?

7 Replies, 7523 Views

we have another show coming up in april, and i have been allocated two tables to fill. i have always thought about having tomy/plarail and big loader combined.

my question is, has anyone seen a photo or video showing the two together? i think it will work, but would like some sort of confirmation to make sure before i go dragging sets out.

i also plan on running some road with spare big loader motors and bodies trundling around, which would show the diversity within a relatively small range.

i hope to start setting up at the clubrooms on the tables i will be using, as the show is 35min away, and i wont be able to pop back home for that one piece of track i forgot.
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[-] The following 2 users Like sunhuntin's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, Super
I don't have an answer for you but very nice early notice so you can have plenty of time to prepare. Anious to see what your displays will look like as they are always imaginative and fun.
thanks, super. im going to hopefully put the tables back to back to make a large square, rather than side by side.

going to dig stuff out today and maybe do a dummy run. ive decided to put the two big loader displays towards the back of the tables, so i can access them easily for battery changes and ball-finding.
around the whole table will be a loop of plarail, using as many clear tunnels as i can put my hands on. within that loop will be a thomas double track, a disney section, including buzz up on girders, snoopy's bi plane also on girders and possibly the monorail if it will fit.
directly around the big loaders will be vintage tomy and a road loop for the spare big loader parts to run on.

i may also try and squeeze in jeremy [if i can find that set, havent seen it in a few years] and a road for thomas vehicles to use.

i am very, very tempted to chuck my ride on trains under the table and let them do their thing, but they are quite loud and i fear my neighbours will get annoyed. i may also decide i dont care about the neighbours, and just go for it.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes sunhuntin's post:
  • Super
I actually can't wait to see this set up, Sunhuntin. I usually don't care much for dioramas and layouts made for a show or club, especially less so for Plarail Thomas, but from the sounds of it, you'll have literally *everything* going on, which is something I'm extremely interested in seeing succeed. I bet it will be the most eye-popping thing there too!
Creator of upcoming series "Sudrian Tales"
Amateur voice actor
Still haven't painted FFF's Daisy lol sorry my guy (i promise I'll get that airbrush kit soon)
(02-06-2018, 06:34 PM)sunhuntin Wrote: i am very, very tempted to chuck my ride on trains under the table and let them do their thing, but they are quite loud and i fear my neighbours will get annoyed. i may also decide i dont care about the neighbours, and just go for it.

[Image: laughing-dog-smiley-emoticon.gif]
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  • sunhuntin
finally got some photos of the work in progress layout. it hasnt gone the way i planned, though i am wishing it had, but the original plan wont work without more space. so, there are no roads save the fun run world stuff.

i am thinking about breaking protocol and using the old red tomy girders for the disney section, as the lower track is almost invisible underneath, and the red ones would give more height and visibility. i know tomy made tall ones for the green bridge, but i dont think i have enough.

overview. the grey girders are where a hopefully double track for thomas will go.
[Image: P1070842.jpg]

vintage tomy/fun run world. the town we are displaying in is called "bulls", hence using the two vintage tomy cows.
[Image: P1070843.jpg]

overview from the one end
[Image: P1070844.jpg]

and from the other end
[Image: P1070845.jpg]
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[-] The following 3 users Like sunhuntin's post:
  • MuddyPoppins, ripley802, Super
Very nice Sunhuntin, lots going on so far. I like the colorful Plarail Expo giveaway train. and the big Mickey is sure to draw the attention of the youngsters. Looks like the new addition to the Clubhouse is getting close to painting the walls. Is the ceiling done too?
thanks. i am seriously tempted to change it up and make it full vintage, but i like the plarail stuff too much to do that.

we are getting along with the extension. im not sure when painting will happen, but likely be a while. same for the ceiling. next step is putting up guttering, and then the council can sign it off. the ceiling was not part of the plans, so isnt needed until we can afford.
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