information please

11 Replies, 9440 Views

Anybody know anything about this model please?

[Image: k5CR8XF.jpg]

[Image: tLX0LFi.jpg]
I think there were a couple different releases of the EF66. Your pictured #11 a #49 and #27. I think you can still find them new. One came in a large freight set. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I will help out.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
  • bollard
oh, i thought it might be quite old on account of the rather dated design of the train itself.
There is at least one that came with an older set and it may in fact be the one you pictured. It would be interesting to know which release is the oldest. Have you browsed Mr Ripleys Plarail Catalog collection? I always thought this design was reminiscent to the 1950's-60's style cars.

What a coincidence, I just was browsing the Auctions in Japan and saw this Listing with another release, this one is the #51. I think there are some differences in the shade of blue on these different releases and I think that the lightest shade may be the oldest.

[Image: ozibb712764.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
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i note that the one that i posted images of doesn't have that circular device on the lower front.
I recall the oldest one may have had yellow wheels and is a little lighter blue. Any year stamped on the chassis of yours?
it's one i'm considering buying, haven't made a bid yet.
Apparently your pictured release was an individual, single engine item, at least according to the picture in this Listing.

[Image: ke4ye26799.jpg]
thanks - £14 starting bid isn't too bad for new.
[Image: trains.jpg]

bought the ef 66, here it is against two Ef 65 trains, only slight disappointment as the front of the 66 sits marginally higher than the rear.
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