2018 Plarail Expo Osaka Japan

20 Replies, 21482 Views

Its now pretty evident that the Free items that are given with every Admmision to the 2018 Plarail Expo in Osaka Japan is a choice between the E7 Shinkansen middle car or the Clear Blue version of Annie just like last year. Because of all the new Listings as such now popping up in the Yahoo Japan Auctions, the same vehicles that were given away at last years Expo, how disappointing it is that this year, they are not giving away a matching Clear Blue Clarabel. I don't get it unless.....they have so many Annies already made from last years show that they want to deplete all that stock before releasing the Clarabels................I know...............wishful thinking.

[Image: 5hwkaok8912.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • mod thana, MuddyPoppins
I too have been on the lookout but am seeing the same. Dodgy
[-] The following 3 users Like ripley802's post:
  • mod thana, MuddyPoppins, Super
I also have not seen or heard of any Plarail Expo Exclusive releases this year like they had the overhead Tokyo Monorail Type 10000 last year.
Here is something that really has me baffled....of the handful of video's I have seen from the Plarail Expo in Osaka Japan that is going on right now, I have yet to catch a glimpse of the new, to be released trains at the end of this month and next which are the...

S-22 JR Shikoku 8600 Type
Kumamoto Electric Railway 01 Wrapping Train
DX Series Train Suite Shikijima

Heck I haven't even seen the new ones that were released in December there. Strangely missing...

JR Kyushu Sweet Train Aru Ressha
KF-02 JR Shikoku [Tetsudo Hobby Train] Plarailgo
J-26 Platform Screen Door Station

I don't get it. Isn't this supposed to be the venue where they showcase the new stuff that creates the hype to increase sales for the newly released and soon to be released? There is something odd going on here.
I swear I've seen the Shikishima in a few videos of the event, Super.
I now recall a video I myself posted (Doh) way back on September 2017 where Suzukawa visited the Christmas Toy Fair where it showed the JR Kyushu Sweet Train Aru Ressha, KF-02 JR Shikoku [Tetsudo Hobby Train] Plarailgo, J-26 Platform Screen Door Station all released in December but I haven't even seen them in the 2018 videos. https://blueplastictracks.com/showthread.php?tid=2643

After just looking at that picture of the JR Kyushu Sweet Train Aru Ressha I posted in the Thread, I don't know if they deliberately made the finish more 'golden' for the show or it had something to do with the lighting, but it looks a lot better than the one I just received.

Now take a look at my coach compared to the unveiling one at the Christmas Toy show, now, does that look the same to you guys?????

[Image: 016.jpg] [Image: Untutitled.jpg]
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  • mod thana, Off The Rails
I wonder if the lighting has something do with the change of colour
I guess anything is possible but I have tried everything but can't duplicate that golden 'Glow' there is just too much difference in the color of the plastic. I hope others chime in to see what they think of theirs as this one I have is so disappointing.
I guess this is why we always get the caveat “Photos of prototype may not match actual product”. Most preview images I saw of this train show a distinctly richer gold tone color while photos of the actual production item are more like a dull ochre yellow with a subtle metal flake finish.

I suppose the prototype was either painted or molded in a way that was difficult to reproduce for mass production. But that’s obviously just speculation on my part.
I guess I would assume that once a product was auditioned and showcased at a National Show that 'prototype' is no longer a definition used and what you see is the final product....what a shame Confused

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