Sorry if I'm being bothersome with asking many things, or complaining. But, how can I get my Plarail steam Thomas to steam. He speaks, asks for water "Misu Misu, one of the few Japanese words I know, but I can't get him to steam at all. He doesn't even try the red light I think he has doesn't go on. I've given him plenty of distilled water yet still nothing happens. Can anyone help?
Asking a question
14 Replies, 12153 Views
You are not being bothersome TBlue, we all ask a lot of questions. That is how we all have learned.
I am not familiar in the workings of the real steamers, is this the recently released Plarail real steam Thomas?
Yeah, it's the recent one, I can't seem to get him to even attempt to steam.
Have a look at my thread here: I had the same issues. I posted a video to the thead as well. Let me know if you have any questions. I thought mine was broken and was about to send it back. ![]()
I tried all those features when taking a look but I still couldn't get him going. I'll get a video in a little bit up here and you can see for yourself, your problem sounded like mine, but you fixed yours using the same solutions I was trying. Thanks though, your help was appreciated.
I tried to show my problem. I used my phones camera which is why the quality is off.
To me it seems like to much water or it is too wet in the engine. Maybe let it dry out some and try again. It only takes really one press of the red pump. Also I can’t reacall but the engine may need to be running and stopped at the pump when you add the water.
After watching the Japanese video and reading Ripleys Thread I would agree that it sure looks like you may be putting in too much water. Did you see what Ripley said and what the Japanese fellow had to do to see the light with one pump? If you ask me, this is way to complicated and the old way seems a whole lot easier. Quote:Where I went wrong.. so with Thomas at the pond I tried to fill him up but sliding the lever to the cup to put in the water, which it did, but wayyyyy to much. It basically flooded Thomas. So I ended up trying the get most all of the water out and waited a bit. Finally I left the lever in the train position. Now when you press down is the tower it will put only a drop or two in and it lights and steams
I tired a little water at first, and started adding more and more as I got more and more frustrated, (I messed with it for nearly two hours before I took that video). At around 8:50 in the video, something strange happens, before that point, his Thomas isn't trying to make steam, like mine, but then he transitions, and when he again turns on his Thomas it's in steam. I don't really get it, but thank you for the help every one, I appreciate it. I'm going to try again tomorrow after Thomas has dried up a bit. Thanks again.
-Thomas Blue
Okay, I tired all of your advice, and sevrral other ideas, but I still can't get him to steam, he won't even light up red in his funnel, which I'd prefer to be white, but I digress. I've made a new video showing how I put in the water after he is completely dry. I need help, as I am quite worried that he may be broken or other such complications. Thanks in advance.
-Thomas Blue |
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