A Few Goodies Arrived Today

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A Few Goodies Arrived Today.

This makes the 24th Plarail Garage Storage Case I have with another on its way. I just love these and think they are the perfect way to store trains for now and for long term storage. Can't have enough. Smile

I blame Bollard for me having to buy the Limited Edition Red Express Series 485 Nichirin. If it weren't for him starting that Thread about the Tomy Express https://www.blueplastictracks.com/showth...p?tid=2575 I would never have seen this beauty and I had to have it. Everything is finely detailed and except for the little square on the front which has a small sticker in it everything is embossed and/or printed.....Thanks Bollard Wink

I already have 4 two drawer Tomica Parking Garages which, like the Plarail Train Garage above, make excellent storage for now and the future for all our Tomica, Hotwheels, Matchbox cars but I needed some more. I could have bought 4 more of the 2 drawer ones for less than I paid for these two Limited Edition, Toys R Us Exclusive 3 drawer units but I just had to have those Limited Toys R Us delivery trucks exclusive to these sets. It wasn't until I was going to post the pictures that I noticed something strange about them. Did you see it?...............................................When editing the pictures I saw what I immediately thought was somebody using a permanent black marker on one side of a truck and wondered if I got taken buying a used set when I paid for new. Upon closer inspection, both trucks had the same black on one side only and I then though them to be factory defects until I studied the box where it clearly showed different sides of the truck. Looking closer you can see that the door has an embossed area where the black is thats not on the other side. According to what its says on the chassis, this is a Condor Truck. Do they have different sides in real life...I wonder?

Wow...I talk too much...

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[-] The following 5 users Like Super's post:
  • ActionChugger, Nigels, Off The Rails, ripley802, sunhuntin
Awesome Super!Big Grin
[-] The following 1 user Likes RedEngine1's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
Very nice. I don’t think I have seen those 3-drawer ones. Are the trucks motorized?
[-] The following 1 user Likes ripley802's post:
  • MuddyPoppins
No the Trucks aren't motorized, just regular Tomica but that would be neat for sure.

Truck question answered...

Seems this truck is the Nissan Condor and what the black spot on the passenger door (Japanese drivers on right side) is actually a tinted clear panel so the driver can see that blind area better and is not on the drivers door. Pretty impressive that Tomica would put that detail on the model.

[Image: 201-487x310.png]
[-] The following 2 users Like Super's post:
  • Off The Rails, ripley802
Are there any plarail regular vehicles that are motorized? I'm not at all knowledgeable about plarail, But the only ones i've seen are Bertie, Elizabeth, Jeremy, and Bulgy.
Not counting the Thomas and Friends I can say Tomy has made many Buses, Trucks and Cars that are motorized.
nice stuff, super. might have to hunt down one of those trucks myself.

munch, there are a number of motorised non-thomas vehicles. they take an oddball size battery. currently i have 3, and recently won an auction that had another 10 in it. will post up photos when they arrive. i would love to know exactly how many different ones there are. im guessing the range is almost as wide as plarail trains.
my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
Ah, i see.
munch, this link will show you the motor tomica vehicles i have so far. the additional 10 arrived today.

my website address has changed: https://sunscollections.weebly.com/
Thats a nice collection of Tomy motorized vehicles and .. now you've gone and done it again...I have not seen a motorized version of a McDonalds van before...I am jealous...now I want one. And its in such great condition too. I find that in addition to some of the motorized vehicles using an 'N' size battery that many also use 'AAA's.

[Image: IMGP0071.jpg]
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  • sunhuntin

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