face stickers

9 Replies, 9231 Views

silly question maybe but do the face transfer decals/stickers come off fairly easily?
[Image: 2R4dCl1.jpg]
As far as removing and reusing I would have to say no but if you just want to remove them for good here is what I do.

Fill a bowl or plastic tub big enough to cover all your items with hot water and dish soap. Leave soak for a while. With a soft hand brush scrub the stickers and the whole car for a good cleaning making sure the clear layer of the stickers come off. Then I re-soak them, give them another brushing before I use the product called 'Goo Gone' on the sticker residue still left and with a soft paper towel dampened with the Goo Gone remove any sticky residue left from the sticker. Once more in the hot bath and a lite brushing should give you a scratch free surface and a clean car to run. You can find the Goo Gone most anywhere at places like Hardware Stores, Walmart, Pharmacy Chain Stores etc. You usually can get a small 2 ounce bottle for around $2 and bigger bottles too some with sprayers which is the ones I like.

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[-] The following 4 users Like Super's post:
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thanks, much appreciated.
prepsol (wax and grease remover) will also loosen the glue easily.
[-] The following 2 users Like Ucwepn's post:
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If you want to save the sticker, or are trying to do a re-stickering replacement repair, use a blow dryer at 2-3 inches distance for 3-4 minutes...be sure to closely watch the sticker surface area for any signs that it's too close and hot...try a practice removal first on something that won't matter while you master the technique, but once you do removing them is a cinch.
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 3 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
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Thats an interesting procedure Muddy. I am not usually interested in saving stickers but I am going to give this a try on my next sticker removal to see how I do in case I need to save one in the future. I would like to add, if I may, that you youngsters out there ask your parents for help with this as not only might you get the plastic too hot, there is a chance you may burn yourself. Thanks for the idea Muddy!
[-] The following 1 user Likes Super's post:
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i guess taking faces off is a different matter? If the toby face were removed carefully (don't know how) would the tram look OK do you think?

[Image: IEPphSY.jpg]

I suppose it might work with the tram but you would probably need to fabricate a grill for the diesel below

[Image: GROklpm.jpg]
Yes, the faces that are molded as part of the engine shell are the hardest to remove. Opposed to the screw on faces that are the easiest, the examples you show of molded as part of the shell would have to be removed using a combination of a rotary tool cutter like Dremel and some small files. Most other Thomas & Friend trains have musch easier faces to remove without cutting. The most important part of defacing an engine is having a plan in place of what you are going to put in the opening before you start cutting the face out. Using some type of screen or something to resemble a grille would work nicely on Diesel and since Toby is a Tram or Street Car maybe you could make an advertisement sign using thin Polystyrene model plastic sheet available at any Hobby Store and either make a sticker on a PC Printer or a custom decal with the Ad on it. Maybe something like 'Eat at Bollards', 'Bollards Tram Service' or 'Stay at the Bollard Hotel' let you imagination take hold. If you do delve into some modifications let us know hoe it works out.
[-] The following 5 users Like Super's post:
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(06-22-2017, 01:04 PM)bollard Wrote: i guess taking faces off is a different matter? If the toby face were removed carefully (don't know how) would the tram look OK do you think?

I did a diesel deface, it was ok but it's not a simple job as his face is part of the body casting (& not a seperate detachable piece) you basically have to cut its face out

(This post was last modified: 06-23-2017, 01:45 AM by Super.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Tramp's post:
  • bollard
thanks for the advice on removing sticker faces super, it worked well, soapy warm water, surface removal and the undelying glue, being in the Uk i couldn't get the product that you referred to so used this instead which went fine.
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