I agree Hank
I would have much rather preferred a Flying Scotsman than either of these. Could there still be hope that Plarail will release one?
Now I will admit that if Tomy was coming out with a Flying Scotsman, I wouldn't have bought the Trackmaster version for the kids. That would just be too cool to pass up!
I think I got the last Steam Along set it is showing closed now. I tried for the other two but are closed so on the waiting list for now. I may try eBay though.
My guess is that you won't have any trouble finding Gordon or Thomas on Amazon or Ebay after release but that is just my guess. Anxious the see a video of your Thomas Steamer and what you think of it one he arrives.
Man, all those new releases went fast at Hobby Search! Of course, that's not really unusual there. Hobby Link Japan often seems to order more stock and has things available for preorder a bit longer. I'm also kind of curious about the Steam Along Thomas. If the mechanism works well, maybe they'll consider releasing an updated version of the steaming D51.
I don't see a pre-order on the Hobby Link site. I agree with you about if, the New Thomas steam is as realistic as the videos seem to show, that adding that to a new release of a modeled steamer would be great. That is if they lose those drip gutters on the sides and just use the old eye dropper method.
The way I look at it is that it wasn't too long ago when we were all talking about Plarail not being able to produce any more Thomas and Friends trains and we discussed that for well over a year. Then the less than liked Trackmaster II arrived and everyone thought this may be the end of quality Thomas and Friends trains. So, IMO, I see any Plarail release as a good thing no matter who or what the character is.
An interesting point is it's the first Thomas with the newer type drive unit even though it's streamlined it should be quite interesting, strange they didn't use the same rods as the newer plarail Gordon redesign on this streamlined version. The steam Thomas looks very interesting especially since I just picked up the Trackmaster 2 version the other day so it will be an interesting comparison between the oldest, the TM2 and the new version.
What is this streamlined Thomas everyone is talking about? Why can't Thomas just be normal?
(03-01-2017, 07:18 AM)Ucwepn Wrote: Streamlined Thomas is from a dream scene sequence in the last movie (The Great Race) that went for around 10 seconds where Thomas dreamed of being streamlined and then woke up and he was his regular shape, for some reason this justifies a motorized toy version when there is already a version for each of the other main ranges including TM2. As a release for kids or a novelty for Thomas collectors I can see it being popular but for everyone else including those who know a Tank engine doesn't ever need streamlining because it could never go fast enough to warrant it anyway. 
He was streamlined for half of an entire song. That's way more than 10 seconds.
Creator of upcoming series "Sudrian Tales"
Amateur voice actor
Still haven't painted FFF's Daisy lol sorry my guy (i promise I'll get that airbrush kit soon)