A couple different things that I received today from amazon and then also a few things I picked up at a local retail store.
I have been wanting. One of these stations (J-13) for a bit and finally got one. It is a sound station and is quite nice. I may end up getting some more at some point. Also the curve J-26 is one I have seen quite a bit and finally got a couple. And finally is 4x R-28 double switches. I have 2 of these already but am missing the short piece on both so they are not as useful. A couple of Plakids too.
And then for some reason I found myself at Target this weekend and saw these along with wing Thomas. I picked these up but they will likely not be used.
I have a couple other items from Amazon that for some reason were not in this order but should have been. Hopefully in the next few days.
I have been wanting. One of these stations (J-13) for a bit and finally got one. It is a sound station and is quite nice. I may end up getting some more at some point. Also the curve J-26 is one I have seen quite a bit and finally got a couple. And finally is 4x R-28 double switches. I have 2 of these already but am missing the short piece on both so they are not as useful. A couple of Plakids too.
And then for some reason I found myself at Target this weekend and saw these along with wing Thomas. I picked these up but they will likely not be used.
I have a couple other items from Amazon that for some reason were not in this order but should have been. Hopefully in the next few days.