TARDIS - Name of the Doctor's Time Machine, stands for :Time And Relative Distance In Space (I think), its key attribute apart from being able to travel in time and space is that it is renowned for being bigger on the inside than the outside. In fact the inside is almost limitless in size hence Sun's idea 
Dalek - Warlike Genetic Mutants from the planet Skaro, genetically engineered by Davros (another for you to google Super) who bred them to fight a civil war that had run for centuries. Once the mutants were strapped into their 'travelling machines' the Dalek was borne and went from a planetary civil war to a galactic wide conflict. Probably the number one enemy of the Doctor...

Dalek - Warlike Genetic Mutants from the planet Skaro, genetically engineered by Davros (another for you to google Super) who bred them to fight a civil war that had run for centuries. Once the mutants were strapped into their 'travelling machines' the Dalek was borne and went from a planetary civil war to a galactic wide conflict. Probably the number one enemy of the Doctor...
Happily collecting things all my life...