What did you do to your trains today?

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Today I have been fine tuning the layout by making/creating many specialty track. Its no secret that we love the gray colored Tomy track but the only drawback is there isn't enough special track available. In addition to the tons of gray track already in the layout we have tons of spare accumulated gray regular and elevated track. So today I was making many 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 lengths in regular straights and also in the gray elevated track style. With the elevated tracks there are only curves and 8.5" straights so when a shorter track is needed you have to use a plain straight which ruins the continuity, at least I think so. Still have a few to complete and then next up will be to create double length straight elevated rails with no gaps.
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Today, I fixed my Spencer's window (after at least half an hour of trying to apply the enamel in the correct shape. Too small of an area for masking tape.), and put it back together after giving up on a motor swap. All is well, except for the fact that I think I may have put the gears back wrong. One of them keeps getting stuck on a metal part that holds another one of the gears in place. It keeps it from free-rolling easily. Turning it on or turning it on its side will slide the gear back into the correct position temporarily.
Creator of upcoming series "Sudrian Tales"
Amateur voice actor
Still haven't painted FFF's Daisy lol sorry my guy (i promise I'll get that airbrush kit soon)
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What I did Today with my trains is make customs of Wilbert W.I.P and Jinty next custom will be the red engine or flying thistle
You Know Your Keeping It Real When Your Working With Steel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(02-27-2016, 02:10 AM)Thenewduckthegwr engine Wrote: What I did Today with my trains is make customs of Wilbert W.I.P and Jinty next custom will be the red engine or flying thistle

What did you use for Jinty? Most people use Thomas, but I personally think Stepney would be a better basis. Although, I've never made a whole new character like that or done full repaints.
Creator of upcoming series "Sudrian Tales"
Amateur voice actor
Still haven't painted FFF's Daisy lol sorry my guy (i promise I'll get that airbrush kit soon)
(02-27-2016, 03:48 PM)Miksolo Wrote: What did you use for Jinty? Most people use Thomas, but I personally think Stepney would be a better basis. Although, I've never made a whole new character like that or done full repaints.

I used thomas but if I had a 2 Stepneys one would be jinty and other well would just be Stepney I'm also making wilbert I can send u a pic if u want
You Know Your Keeping It Real When Your Working With Steel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yesterday I ran into a bad case of the "Hmmm...Lets Do Thats"

My intentions was to spend most of the day cleaning up a spot in my laundry room to set up an airbrush painting station but got side tracked. After finishing up what turned out to be about 20 specially modified gray tracks for the layout I was getting ready to begin the task of creating the airbrush station that I got a good idea of where to add a couple siding lines that I had been wanting to have in the layout but just didn't know where to place them so they would be out of the way and also not interfering with any foot paths needed in a large floored layout. I began working on that which required some thought and rethinking along with a couple more modified gray track pieces.

Then after the sidings project was complete I was looking at out modified Luke who I had placed on the sidings and got a "might as well" complete a few more modifications on him. ( http://blueplastictracks.com/showthread....7#pid17047 ) While working on him I looked at this little homemade Drive In Theater I had made a few weeks ago and got the "might as well" make something better than that so the thought processes started on that along with some ideas, what materials I had and what I would need began. Before I realized it the whole day had gone by without anything being done about the airbrush station. Oh well, I still had fun but the biggest problem I have is as I work on a project many other projects come to mind and some I really want to start on but I have to be patient, at least that is what I tell myself. Sometimes I just don't listen to the voices in my head other times I listen too much.
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What I did today is work on my tomy layout which is like idk 1/10 finished and I also took a sharpie an weathered some engines and rolling stock I also played with some of the locos here and there but that's all I did today with my locos
You Know Your Keeping It Real When Your Working With Steel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Currently I am in the middle of some redesigning a few areas around the layout. After having the little problem with the overhead Monorail and the removing, for now, the hanging Monorail, I got the bug to do some re-engineering. I must admit that its the planning and engineering part along with customs that I like so much about these trains. Also, whenever I pick up a station, a platform, building, etc, I am removing the accessories and Plakids that were attached with rubber cement and permanently re-attaching them with Super Glue. I figured that it will be easier to store everything for Future World as I believe it will all eventually fall off over time. Having a ball doing it but time just fly's by.
I dismantle part of my layout and made a "mixing yard", which is like a normal yard except that only 2 engines can rearrange consists at one time. It still needs lots of work though.
I AM NOT DEAD. Just inactive. 
(06-03-2014, 04:31 AM)Ucwepn Wrote: My first modded Spencer (3v and ultra dash) got a repaint, can't wait to get him back together

[Image: 1809a0ca-405d-4a28-a808-3114e5d7eaee.jpg]

[Image: 3799c471-c13a-4260-bbe1-27a636b5ecb1.jpg]
How did you get your fat controller figure
peep peep! <strong> Percy is my favorite engine </strong>
<a href="http://theknot.com/us/thomastakenplay" >my Thomas wooden railway and take n play website</a>
<a href="http://thomaswoodenrailway.minted.us"> my Thomas toy website </a>

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