Shipping Costs for Jauce?

13 Replies, 19752 Views

Is there a way around that tax you have to pay. Do they still charge that even if it is a gift?
Super talking from experience it is difficult to get round the customs tax they charge you. This is especially true if you use Jauce as they won't mark the parcel as a gift and insist on declaring the full price you paid in the auctions for the items in the package.

As the UK tax laws are quite draconian you are bound to get stung each time you buy via Jauce. For a start the tax free limit is a mere £17.99 and has been since the 70's - about time they reviewed that if you ask me. Add to that you get hit for multiple things.

If sent via EMS you get a £13 handling charge regardless of the charges you pay, then VAT @ 20% and if it breaches something else - not sure if its a limit or the item type - also a customs charge as well!!

So even if its only £18 you will get charged;

£13.00 handling fee
£ 3.60 VAT
£??.?? Customs duty

So for an £18 item you will get a charge of £16.60 at least, it makes it very very unpalatable for small/cheap items. At least if you buy more items the £13 gets spread over the items, but you're going to pay more shipping and more VAT so its still not cheap.

The only saving grace is if you have won a few items for a pittance on the auctions.

Oh, one little footnote, another thing in favour of 'From Japan', although they will still not mark a parcel as a gift they will allow you to specify the value of each auction/purchase item so you can reduce the values. The only downside here is if it were to get lost or damaged in transit you would not get as much back in insurance if needed.

Basically its a rotten system...
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
I was wondering if you had to pay all those tax fees if say I bought something and shipped it to you as a gift!
Generally if its shipped by an individual and marked as a gift with a low enough value it gets through without charges. However as soon as its a company shipping it and/or it comes through a shipping company like FedEX you will get hit. It can get really expensive too because if they believe the declared value is too low they will actually charge you at what they believe the true value is. It's basically a minefield...
Happily collecting things all my life... Big Grin
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