Technical issues

28 Replies, 36218 Views

Its standard software lol
Only thing i have tinkered with Is The design
new website is currently Up working on Copying database over...
(05-07-2014, 01:45 PM)Thehsvdude Wrote: new website is currently Up working on Copying database over...


Let me know if you get stuck or have tech specific questions. I'm managing a startup web software development company at the moment. I have a web/software developer (with very broad skills) sitting beside me who I can check with. Half the fun is in the learning though and google is your friend.

Good luck.
I figured it out Sort of... Had wrong version of mybb installed on
I know alot about php and Mysql... But i know alot more in C++
Well done thehsvdude.

BTW, I like your post count. Big Grin
done that as a joke
Any word on fixing the member count?

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