The Little LaFayette That Will (Hopefully)

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My name is Lachie and I've loved trains all my life.
Recently, this Bachmann 4-2-0 LaFayette arrived in the post.
[Image: QtQUbPX.webp]
Looks nice, doesn't it? Don't grow too fond of it because I'm using it for what could be my biggest model project ever. Can you guess what it is?
[Image: EJDhNzs.webp]
That's right, It's Tillie from the 1991 Direct-to-Video 30 minute adaptation of The Little Engine That Could. What's that, You've never seen it? Let's fix that right now! Better than the CG one, isn't it? Anyways, This isn't my first attempt at making Tillie. My first attempt was in late 2013 using some card paper, oven baked clay and a spare HO bogie. Here it is next to my Bachmann Thomas.
[Image: Czrq0o3.webp]
"It looks alright" You might say, and I may agree with you but personally, I think she's about the size of the pyrotechnics budget in a Micheal Bay movie, WAY TOO BIG! I like to think that she would be at eye level with Thomas. But as you can see in the picture below...
[Image: nY2ZoP9.webp]
...the LaFayette is about the right size to be made into Tillie. It won't be easy but I'll try my best. And just for the heck of it, Here's the old Tillie next to the soon to be new Tillie.
[Image: o2dT5p7.webp]
Parts from the old model may be reused if possible.
Wish me luck!
[-] The following 5 users Like thomasfan101's post:
  • ActionChugger, DalaGStanator, fred16850, mod thana, NWRMainLineTerminal
What a beautiful little train!!Smile
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
[-] The following 2 users Like MuddyPoppins's post:
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i agree, muddy, and a google search did not bring up another with the striped boiler. i would love to buy this, its gorgeous.
where did you buy it from? ive found a few on google with green boilers, but none like this one.

i love your idea too, lachie. im not very familiar with the little engine that could, but know the story.
my website address has changed:
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2016, 07:31 AM by sunhuntin.)
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(04-03-2016, 05:31 AM)sunhuntin Wrote: i agree, muddy, and a google search did not bring up another with the striped boiler. i would love to buy this, its gorgeous.
where did you buy it from? ive found a few on google with green boilers, but none like this one.

i love your idea too, lachie. im not very familiar with the little engine that could, but know the story.

Well, I'm not gonna lie, it took me a while to find one at a good price. If you want one for your own, they pop up on eBay every now and again but it takes a while for one to pop up at a reasonable price.
It looks beautiful! Something about it reminds me of the Rainhill Trials.

I thought you were going to keep it in its original state, but you shouldn't have given away what it was going to be after the photo with the VHS, because you wrote: "Can you guess what it is?" You could've instead just stopped the first post there and let others answer the question in the comments.

It seems to have a perfect wheel configuration for what you have in mind (I have heard of this incarnation of the Little Engine). At the time of writing, all it will need for the conversion would be a set of trailing wheels and enlarged cylinders, and the cowcatcher would go exactly where the bufferbeam is.

As much as your previous Tillie looks like the actual character, the new one is clearly going to look more professional. Best of luck.
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[Image: fDnzZzj.webp]
Just a quick update before I go to bed.
[Image: LPDmSfo.webp]
As you can see, I've painted the smokebox and front bufferbeam (cowcatcher yet to be made).
And the front lantern is going to be made from this Lego Brick.
[Image: 6juO6V3.webp]
Some dried glue globs and some paint and you'll barely be able to tell it was Lego.
Now, I lost the original smoke box door (as seen here)...
[Image: ZQmHM10.webp]
...but I didn't let that bother me.
You see, anyone who has seen the original film will tell you that Tillie has a heart shaped firebox...
[Image: KRLHSgC.webp] I just cut a tiny piece of card into the shape of a heart, cut it in half, glued it back together and...
[Image: h5J9S7o.webp] [Image: RVXZNsv.webp] ...that's pretty much it.
One last thing before I go for now. I'm having a little trouble getting the engine to move. Sometimes it will run alright, but it often starts and stops and needs a helping hand. Any suggestions? Not sure if it really helps, but here's a picture of underneath the engine.
[Image: w0YyBkO.webp]
See you next time.
[-] The following 3 users Like thomasfan101's post:
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I would've filed down the remains of the bufferbeam (top and bottom) to get it looking flat enough.

The LEGO brick lamp is a good idea, as it looks to be the right scale and would fit very well.

Oh, wow. I didn't think anyone would've even remembered/paid such attention to her firebox design! Good artists don't overlook the minor details.

As for the running issue, I can't seem to see anything that would've caused it, other than that wire which looks very close to the driving axle gear. Maybe it's the trackwork? Unless it just has a poor motor.
I'm very excited to see the progression and results of this project! Best of luck, Lachie!
On another note, I should rewatch The Little Engine That Could. It's been so long since I've last popped in my old VHS of it! Probably don't have it anymore tho..
Creator of upcoming series "Sudrian Tales"
Amateur voice actor
Still haven't painted FFF's Daisy lol sorry my guy (i promise I'll get that airbrush kit soon)
Wow...I think you did a fantastic job with your original Tillie. Its so cartoon like and the Stack/Face is very professional.

I don't think I have ever seen an engine like your Bachmann 4-2-0 LaFayette before but I know that I love it now. I am assuming that since its Bachman that it gets its power from his wheels touching the energized rails. Might the contacts for the wheels be loose or somehow not touching the wheels properly or could be even a loose wire inside. At any rate, if you plan on her running after the remodel, I would put a hold up on any more conversions to The Little Train that Could until you have fixed the problem. If you wait until after you may have to disassemble her and ruining some of your work.

Such an ambitious project but seeing the talents that you have exhibited in the original project I have no doubt the remake of the remake will be great. Anxious to see the results. Thanks for sharing and welcome to Blue Plastic Tracks.
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Quick update:
Painted the boiler last night not long before my previous update post (like a minute or two before) and this morning, I finished the lamp.
[Image: tviYYA3.webp]
Looks nice, doesn't it?
That's not all. I also started work on the dome and funnel/head using the same brand of clay as the previous model.
[Image: XckeoD6.webp]
Here are the pieces when I first finished sculpting them.
[Image: fXwhUAM.webp]
And here they are, fresh from the oven, placed on the model to see what it looks like.
[Image: xpgaK5F.webp]
At some point, the dome will be glued down but the funnel will be removable.
Also, I cleaned the track recently and the engine runs much better now but there are still a few sparks and it still stops occasionally but it's still an improvement.
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