spanish speaking percy?

16 Replies, 21902 Views

Is that last character of the serial #1431C1(L?)??
Play nice & have fun!!Smile
Yes, the last character is "L"

The train looks brand new, it might have been played with once or twice, the black paint is worn on the corners of the coal bin and acouple of small pressure spots on the top of his chassis. If I were to guess whomever got the train gave it to a child and they didn't know Spanish so it was pit away. I think the light damage came from carelessly put away.
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What an awesome find! Strange how no one else seems to have known anything about something like this.

When I first saw this thread, I assumed someone was able to get a hold of an English speaking Percy, opened the files (?) on the soundboard, recorded their voice and replaced the English. Obviously, it was an official version sold in Spanish speaking territories, and was voiced by either Javier Olguín (Latin America) or the late María Rubio (Spain).

I just wish that when they were sold in Israel, they would've been fitted with Hebrew soundboards with the actual TV cast members (Fisher Price does make Hebrew speaking toys). It would've been amazing if they did that, like my Hebrew speaking 12" Bob the Builder.
[-] The following 1 user Likes DalaGStanator's post:
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Thats cool, that you have an idea of who is the voice for Percy. There is bound to be a Thomas out there, but it is strange how nobody has run into one of these before?
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I went to the TTTE Wikia to see who voiced him in both Spanish versions of the TV Series, and these were the names I found.

Obviously, there's also a Spanish Thomas and/or James. They wouldn't have released just Percy like this.
(02-23-2016, 04:51 AM)anc6802 Wrote: I got another lot of junk trains and i found a talking Percy, so I cleaned it up put it back together again and it started up and works great! But it speaks Spanish? I tried looking around and I couldn't find any info on it.

The tte wika page doesn't have a listing for his part number W6302, he has the maroon mail truck but its missing the battery cover, go figure.

Is he a rare train? I've never heard or seen one for sale in stores that doesn't speak English before.

Wow, I never seen a strange talking non revolution percy you found! Yes, it's rare I didn't see one in stores too
peep peep! <strong> Percy is my favorite engine </strong>
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(03-07-2016, 07:28 PM)DalaGStanator Wrote: What an awesome find! Sort of strange that no one else seems to have known anything about something like this.

When I first saw this thread, I assumed someone was able to get a hold of an English speaking Percy, opened the files (?) on the soundchip, recorded his voice and replaced the English. Obviously, it was an official version sold in Spanish speaking territories, and was voiced by either Javier Olguín (Latin America) or María Rubio (Spain).

I just wish that when they were sold in Israel, they would've been fitted with Hebrew soundchips with the actual cast members from the Videofilm International dub of the TV Series (Fisher Price does make Hebrew speaking toys). It would've been amazing if they could do that (kinda like my Hebrew speaking 12" Bob the Builder).
I really sure that Maria voiced that Percy, as I heard in the video it isn't a man's voice voicing the talking Percy.
peep peep! <strong> Percy is my favorite engine </strong>
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