Toby & Henrietta Stage 1

13 Replies, 19471 Views

(01-24-2016, 03:55 PM)Miksolo Wrote: I use Windows Movie Maker already, but I just recorded this as one clip. There was one other take before this one.

This is the problem. He meant "a video editor" (such as [Windows] Movie Maker).
you should use scotch tape so that the paint won't create smudges.
(01-25-2016, 12:14 AM)leylandvictory2 Wrote: you should use scotch tape so that the paint won't create smudges.

Oh yeah. I keep forgetting about that! You sure its just ordinary transparent tape i should use?

(01-24-2016, 03:46 PM)ROKMAN1445 Wrote: Not bad for a third video!
Use a "movie maker" system-like iMovie-to put together clips.

It's not actually my third video ever. I have plenty of gaming videos on my channel
(This post was last modified: 01-25-2016, 03:28 AM by Miksolo.)
Try and get some 3m 233+ automotive grade making take tape, it never leaves glue or residue and you get super sharp paint lines and it wont bleed through, plus it sticks to everything. It costs more than normal tape but it works great and they make it in different widths. The "yellow" 3m automotive tape is good to if you don't have an auto body supply store near you. You can get the yellow tape from just about any auto part store.

Cant wait to see what you have planned for stage 2!

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