Is this really called the General Yoshitsune???

7 Replies, 11718 Views

Is this train featured in a PlarailMike video really called the GENERAL 'YOSHITSUNE' or is there another name? Is there a story or other information about this? Come in a limited set or something?

I don't know, but I do like it, those henrietta carriages seem to just 'fit' with it!
Its identical to the disney and the shupo trains but this is the rarest variant I have heard, sorry I don't know any more than that. I believe Toy_Trains_Things has one.
Hi Ucwepn

Thanks for the info. I took a look at your unboxing and review of the 2 Disney trains and although on first glance they do look to be identical but looking a bit more closely there seem to be differences although its hard to see in videos.

First the GENERAL 'YOSHITSUNE' looks to have a regular motor housed in the engine with its on/off switch there and not on the tender like the Disney trains. Maybe the battery too?
The roof of the cab looks to have more detail on the General.
The cow catcher and front end of the General looks to be smaller/shorter than the Disney trains.
The smoke stack on the General looks to be bigger but that may be due to the headlight being much smaller than the Disney trains.

Tried to find still, close up pictures of the General and the Disney trains but was unable to locate any. I am hoping Toys_Trains-Things can give us more information.
More like this one which is slightly later release than the disney.

Here I am... :-)

What I have learned...

General Yoshitsune (the train) is called that because of popular Japanese folklore.

Minamoto no Yoshitsune was the general of the Minamoto clan and defeated Musashibo Benkei (a warrior monk). Benkei then went on to fight along side Yoshitsune.

When it comes to the real trains.
Yoshitsune (No1) and Benkei (No2) were the first 2 of 6 JGR class 7100 locomotives to be used in Hokkaido.

Yoshitsune Wiki

Benkei Wiki

Class 7100

As for the Tomy versions. (going from memory because its late here) Benkei and Yoshitsune are identical moulds as is Shuppo. The series 1 and 2 Disney are slightly different to Yoshitsune. Series 3 Disney significantly different to those previously mentioned. Pokemon is the same as series 3 Disney (they are a much newer design) but has Pokemon moulded on it. They all look pretty much the same until you check closely.

Then there is the much sought after original Benkei that is totally different with a much longer cabin.

I'll have a better look to confirm what I remember of the differences in the next few days.

Hope that helps.

Thanks so much Dale for the information. So there is another Tomy train called Benkei with a longer cab thats even harder to find? WOW. Sure would like to see more pictures of that. Do you know where these trains come from? A special set or by themselves? For a special holiday or event and then no more? I really like the looks of the General. When looking at it in the video and the Shuppo in this video, the Shuppo looks to be the same molded boiler tank (minus detailed paint) but the cow catcher and head lamp looks bigger than the Generals.

Looking forward to learning more. Love the link to the real General, thanks
This is a great, short, video of a restored, real, General Yoshitsune steam engine. Its just beautiful, both real and Tomy replica ones.

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